No, this post is not about the New Orleans Saints and the Who Dat Nation. It’s about deciding where your focus will be in 2014.
If Jesus appeared in your living room today, would you recognize Him or would you have to say, “Who dat?” If He showed up at your place of employment, would you have to say, “Who dat?”
Make a decision today, 12/31/2013, that no matter what challenges lie ahead, your focus will be on Jesus and all His goodness, strength, and unconditional love for you. Then, when He appears, you won’t have to say, “Who dat?” You’ll know Him for sure and you’ll enjoy the favor, wisdom, and peace that only His presence can give you.
Focus on the presence of the Champion. That will be the best decision you’ll ever make as you plan for advancement in 2014 and beyond!
“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. ”
Hebrews 12:2 (NLT)