Tag: words you speak

The Harvest From Your Lips

Photo courtesy of Dreamstime.com | Dominik Damaziak
Photo courtesy of Dreamstime.com | Dominik Damaziak

The beginning of 2013 is just around the corner. What are you expecting from opportunities and challenges in the New Year? More importantly, what are you saying about the things that will come your way in the New Year?

Maintain a positive outlook and attitude. Start now by speaking what God has already said in the Bible that corresponds to what you desire to experience in your life. Speak it with confidence and expectancy, assured of God’s love for you!

Expect a bountiful harvest from the seeds (words) you sow each day.

What will be the harvest from your lips?

“From the fruit of his mouth a man’s stomach is filled; with the harvest from his lips he is satisfied. The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”  ~Proverbs 18: 20, 21 NIV

“As it is written: “I have made you a father of many nations.” He is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed—the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.”  ~Romans 4:17 NIV

Determining Your Future

What kind of future do you desire? Is it one filled with days of average outcomes or  outstanding results? Your words are seeds for your future. What you’re saying throughout your day today, will determine the outcome of your future days.

In a farmer’s mind, the seed has dominion over the soil. The seed is what determines the harvest. No matter how well-conditioned the soil may be, without any seed, there is no harvest!

Whether you believe it or not, your words are seeds for your future. Your negative words will bring about a negative outcome and be a snare in your life [Proverbs 18:7]. Your positive words will result in a positive outcome, bringing a harvest of “good success” [Joshua 1:8].

The best seed you can plant for your future is God’s Word from the Bible because His words are full of truth and life. They will always provide a bountiful harvest when planted in good soil. Isn’t it wonderful that YOU get to determine the harvest of your life through the seeds of the words you speak?

Make the decision to believe and consistently speak scriptures that contain the promises of what you desire to have happen in your life. Your fruitful future depends upon the seeds you sow today!

A Wholesome Tongue

Have you noticed that I frequently mention that we should be mindful of the words we allow to come out of our mouth? That’s because what we say is a difference-maker in our personal world. Our words are powerful! They are vessels that contain and convey life or death. What we say is what we get and it’s our choice to determine what we speak into our lives.

 “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life…” ~~Proverbs 15:4

“Wholesome” is defined as “conducive to general well-being.” So the Bible is showing us that speaking positive, faith-filled words is conducive to our well-being. The opposite is also true: speaking words that are contaminated with negativity leads to unfavorable things.

Is your world tainted with uneasiness and frustration? I encourage you to be more aware of what you say.  Are your words sometimes full of fear, anxiety, and hopelessness? Choose to change them to words with a more positive “vibe”—words of peace, contentment, and hope. I’m sure you’ll see what a difference-maker a wholesome tongue can be!