Today…RIGHT NOW… it’s finally time to pre-order my new book, Borrowed Hope: Sarah’s Story of Triumph Over Infertility.
Order it now so you can get some great bonuses bundled with the book. My co-author, Angela Williams, and I will personally sign your book and send it along with great bonuses to anyone who orders the book before it comes out at national book sellers.
What’s It About?
Borrowed Hope: Sarah’s Story, is the first book in the Borrowed Hope series. It is a unique presentation of the life of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who struggled for more than 70 years with infertility.
*Witness Sarah’s honest conversations with God as she longs to understand and experience His faithfulness.
*Peek into her world and hear her frustrations as she deals with seemingly impossible circumstances.
*Walk with her through fear, doubt, anger, hope, faith, and finally, to victory.
Sarah’s infertility experience is living proof that God is true to His word and that He is the final authority in all circumstances.
Sarah experienced victory over infertility.
Borrow hope from her victory so that you are empowered to hope again!
The book bundle is available for a limited time and only when you pre-order the book.
Here’s what you’ll receive when you order the
Borrowed Hope Book Bundle:
- Your autographed copy of the book, signed by both authors.
- A set of Borrowed Hope Scripture cards that gives you the “antidote” to negative thinking and helps you focus on God’s Promises.
- A Borrowed Hope book mark that reminds you to not give up.
- Membership within our new private Facebook Group so that you can build community with victory-minded women.
- A FREE ebook– Infertility Sucks: How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage (PDF format)
- Regular encouragement in your inbox from Evangeline and Angela
- FREE Shipping on your book, cards, and book marker!