Tag: promises in the bible

Trust or Doubt?

TRUST. It’s something with which we all have issues.

Here are my notes from my time with God this morning. I hope you find them encouraging!

Doubt is the consequence of distance.

Doubt arises and increases when we have distanced ourselves from the Word. [Remember, Jesus IS the Word.]

Doubt infiltrates our mind and circumstances. It reduces our trust in God because we’ve been distracted from His promises.

Doubt is our automatic response when we don’t look to Jesus’ love for us.


Trust is the consequence of closeness.

Trust is the result of increasingly drawing nearer to God through His Word.

Trust infiltrates our mind and our circumstances. It erases doubt when we focus on Jesus, and are consistent in verbally  affirming God’s promises.

Trust is our automatic response when we continue looking to Jesus in the Word and acknowledging His love for us.


What do you do to be more aware of God’s love for you? Please share your ideas/strategies below.


Trust in God
Tulip photo courtesy of Fotolia


Still Thankful?

We just finished celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday weekend in America. Even though that weekend is set aside to more openly express thankfulness (and shopping), how can we remain thankful in the weeks and months ahead? What about today…are you still thankful?

Why should we look for things in our daily lives that could be reasons to thank God? Because giving thanks to Him is the means of focusing on the solution to the problems we have. When we give thanks in the midst of our problems, we keep victory’s door open. Thanking God when we’re dealing with trying circumstances is the best way to express that we expect Him to make good happen.

I’m not saying to thank God for the problem. My point is to thank Him for being the answer to our problem. Talking about the same problem over and over again changes nothing. Labeling yourself as being one who constantly suffers/experiences problems prolongs the problem! Continuing to talk about your dissatisfaction with being “stuck” in a negative situation is actually the language of defeat.  But, by expressing thanks and acknowledging that our full and final solution is found in Jesus, we speak the language of victory.

Trust in God’s ability and willingness to make good come out of bad. His divine power has given us everything we need [2 Peter 1:3,4]. All our solutions are found in His promises in the Bible. Find the promises related to your problem and then believe them and speak them. When we increase our knowledge of what Jesus accomplished on our behalf and how He made those promises able to be manifested, Peace and Favor are increased in our lives. That’s a reason to still be thankful everyday!

What’s your reason to still be thankful?

Photo courtesy of Dreamstime.com | Olga Vasilkova
