My life has had a lot of distractions-some big, some small- that have taken my gaze away from God’s plan and His loving hand. Those distractions have come packaged in a lot of different ways: as boys, when I was a teenaged girl; as extra-curricular activities, when I was a college student; and, as church activities, when I was a young mother.
Each of these distractions, among many others, brought their own set of consequences and kept me from fully enjoying God’s plan for me. Emotional turmoil resulted from the “boys distraction.” Poor grades resulted from the “extra-curricular distraction.” And yes, believe it or not, church activities were a distraction! They slowly began to eat away at the time I spent at home with my husband and children. It was hard to recognize that my schedule was problematic and even harder to make a change to it.
Hebrews 12:2 in the Amplified Bible encourages us to look away from all that will distract us and look to Jesus. After all, His plan is the BEST for us because it is birthed out of love and is filled with good and perfect gifts [James 1:7].
But in order to keep our eyes on Him, we have to be convinced that Jesus is the answer to our problems at hand and trust that there’s no need to look anywhere else for our solution.
What’s the distraction in your life today that pulls your gaze to anything other than Jesus? No matter how big or small it is, how will you re-focus in order to experience God’s plan?