Tag: Holy But

Make a Decision to Declare — “Enough is Enough!”


Have you reached the point of saying “Enough!” to a particularly trying circumstance?

I think sometimes it takes reaching a point of where we’re no longer willing to tolerate a negative circumstance before we take faith-rooted action. You know, that “last straw” that makes us decide to firmly speak to that “mountain” (Mark 11:23) so that we begin to experience relief from its oppression. This oppression is part of the curse outlined in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. Yes, over 50 verses speak to the bad stuff that the enemy is waiting for an opportunity to introduce into your life.

Included are:

  • confusion
  • frustration
  • sicknesses
  • inflammation
  • chronic illnesses
  • poverty
  • drought
  • oppressed and robbed continually
  • defeat in wars
  • and sooo much more!

It’s a long litany of various curses found in those verses.

Thankfully, there’s a Holy BUT…

BUT (!), don’t be scared of these things. The good news is that there is a powerful antidote to every curse! Galatians 3:13 assures us that Jesus became cursed for us so that we could be redeemed from all the effects of the curse. He paid the price that set us free from every curse. Jesus bought us so that we can no longer be held captive to defeat, sickness, poverty, etc., when we use the authority He’s given us. What was the price? His life. And once we receive Him as Savior we’re officially released from that captivity and He blesses us by making us kings and priests with Him.

But here’s the deal— using the antidote means you’ve got to speak to that mountain! You’ve been given the authority to do it. So if you’ve never spoken to your “mountain” of infertility, miscarriage, chronic illness, poverty, hopelessness, etc., it’s time to get mad, and be resolute in addressing this mountain and consistently telling it, “Enough!”. Find scriptures that promise what you need. No matter what the doctors, lawyers, bosses, or other authority figures have said, understand what God has said about your situation. His Word is settled and true (Psalm 119:89; John 17:17)!

How to say “Enough”

So how can you say “Enough!” to your circumstances? By consistently saying to your circumstances what God has said in His Word about them.

The passage in Deuteronomy 28:61 gives us an overview of the curse regarding your health:

Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.

And that covers everything that tries to attack your body. But because Jesus has redeemed those that believe in Him, this verse also shows that He has redeemed you from every form of sickness.

Declare Enough is Enough!

Psalm 107:2 CSB encourages you to speak up, to say “Enough!” by saying that you are redeemed from the curse by the Lord God Almighty:

Let the redeemed of the LORD proclaim that He has redeemed them from the power of the foe.

So here’s an affirmation you can speak and believe daily as you confidently wait for the manifestation of your healing:

(Name of the condition), you are from the curse. BUT God’s Word says I am redeemed from the curse because Jesus became cursed on my behalf. I praise God that I am now and forever redeemed from this condition!

No matter how long you’ve dealt with it, the condition must bow to the name and finished work of Jesus!

Because He loves you, you can take God at His Word. So decide to use His Word as your way to say “Enough!”!

The “Holy But” – How Good Grammar Can Bring Godly Results

The Holy ButIn elementary school, or in junior high school, you probably learned about the grammatical impact of the word “but” in a sentence. The word “but” is a conjunction, joining two phrases. It is a powerful word to use because  “but” essentially negates the idea in the first phrase and implies that something else should be considered.

Here’s a quick list of what “but” can do:

  • suggests there’s a chance for a different outcome
  • implies there’s something which should not be forgotten
  • serves to redirect your attention
  • implies doubt in the preceding phrase and a more confident expectation in the phrase that follows
  • marks an opposition to the preceding phrase

As I was writing my book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility, one of the things that Holy Spirit whispered to me to include was how to use the “Holy But.” I laughed when I heard that– the Holy But. However, I began to understand how using it could bring godly results to our ungodly circumstances. You’re probably wondering what makes the “but” holy. The use of God’s Word following the “but” is what makes it serve a holy purpose in your life.

When you find yourself saying some negative things about yourself that you know you should not have released from your mouth, use the Holy But by stating some truth from God’s Word that addresses the circumstance that you previously stated negatively.

For example, you may have said in a moment of exasperation, “I feel like I’ll never be pregnant!” Quickly follow that up by saying, “BUT, God said that none shall be barren and that includes me” (Exodus 23:26). Maybe you’re experiencing some financial challenges and you might slip and say, “I’m always broke.” When you catch yourself, say something like, “BUT, Jesus is with me and He prospers me (1 Chronicles 22:11). The key is to negate your negative statement by stating what God has said about the matter using the word “but”. You see, good grammar really can bring godly results (Proverbs 18:21)!

God’s Truth is stronger than your fact. It is powerful and never changes. God’s Truth never fails. When you believe it and speak it, it can actually change your facts of life. What’s God’s Truth? It’s His Word of love and grace toward you (John 17:17). God’s Word doesn’t change but it does change– it is eternal. It’s power can change your circumstances. It can change how you see yourself and your circumstances. It is absolute—you can count on it!

Use the Holy But to:

  • Express belief about the outcome God has planned for you
  • Remind yourself of God’s viewpoint of the matter
  • Redirect your attention to Jesus’ love for you
  • Erase doubt and affirm your confidence in God’s words
  • Declare your opposition to the negative thing you’ve previously said

Use what I call the “Holy BUT” in your everyday conversations.

It is applicable in any circumstance. It is a simple exercise that will redirect your focus and strengthen your faith.

In the midst of negative circumstances, what do you do to redirect your focus to Jesus’ words, love, and viewpoint?