Tag: fertility

Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!


“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea.”

 Psalm 46: 1, 2 [NIV]

Image courtesy of Evgeni Dinev  / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Evgeni Dinev / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Infertility-Arizona Walk of Hope


Join Us in Scottsdale!

When: Saturday, March 23rd

Where: Eldorado Park in Scottsdale, AZ.

Registration will begin at 8:00 AM and the Walk begins at 9:00AM. All Walk activities will be completed by 11:00AM. 

The Walk of Hope will raise funds that will support local programming, public awareness initiatives, and advocacy efforts to ensure that all family building options are available to all.

No one should face infertility alone.


Focus Friday

Image courtesy of Pgraur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Pgraur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

 “Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You.” ~~Psalm 56:3

The Sun Is ALWAYS Shining

It’s been a chilly, wet and cloudy day today. The sun has been covered by grey clouds all day. When I went out to Zumba class this morning, there was no sign of the sun in the sky. Did that mean the sun had stopped shining?

Of course not! The sun is always shining, even on dark, dreary days. But because my view of the sun was obscured by the dark clouds, its presence wasn’t noticeable and went unacknowledged.

Life can be like that. When we look only at our surrounding circumstances, it can sometimes feel like a dreary and depressing life. Somehow, we begin to focus only on those “dark clouds” of life. We easily forget that the blessings of God are still swirling around us, ever-ready for us to grasp and bring the bright and abundant life God desires for us. His presence is an eternal promise to the believer in Jesus and brings nothing but grace to our lives. Like the sun, His blessings are always there, even when we don’t notice  them or take advantage of them.

I hope you’ll take time to remember everyday that the light of His grace is always available to brighten even your darkest circumstances. You just have to look to Him.


Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.” ~~ Psalm 37:7 [NLT]

Image courtesy of zirconicusso / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of zirconicusso / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Celebrating My Birthday Today

 Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I will be celebrating my birthday by giving you my ebook, “A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility.”

It will be FREE on Amazon , for only 24 hours– today,  2/11/13.

Get your FREE copy NOW!

Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“You will have plenty to eat, and be satisfied, And will praise the name of the LORD, your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And my people will never again be disappointed. “~~ Joel 2:26 [HNV]

Image courtesy of nuchylee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of nuchylee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“…and great grace was upon them all; neither was there any among them that lacked.”

~Acts 4: 33,34~

God's goodness displayed in rainbow
Photo courtesy of Microsoft Images

Entering a Season of Fruitfulness

This is a short article from the Elijah List newsletter. Be blessed as you read its words of hope and consider them appropriate to apply to not only infertility but to all the barren areas of life you may be experiencing.
Kim Clement:
“You Have Entered into a Season of Fruitfulness”
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia.org | Lukas Riebling, Username Luke1ace
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia.org | Lukas Riebling, Username Luke1ace

December 1, 2012 – From The Den:

“From the beginning, before time began, I knew this hour; I knew this day. Was it hidden from Me? Am I afraid?” says the Lord of Hosts. “Even if Israel stood alone, watch. Read the history. Before time began, I knew of this moment and I knew that from the miry clay would emerge an upright reed. From the mire, I will bring something upright and something good.

“You have entered into a season of fruitfulness, and yet they cry, ‘Barren is the land; barren are the people.'” But God says, “I have called that which is barren, fruitful, and I have called that which is weak, strong. And I have called that which is poor, rich. Therefore, say what I say for the redeemed of the Lord shall say So!’ Watch and see as I demonstrate My glory and majesty,” says the Lord.

What I’ve been dealing with and what I’ve been feeling from the Lord is that He wants to destroy unfruitfulness and barrenness and wants to make this a fruitful month and a fruitful 2013. Do you believe that this could be possible? Now if there’s faith in your heart, please hear what I’m saying because I am literally giving you a prophetic proclamation that God wants fruitfulness and He wants it this month and He wants it in the year 2013 – and don’t tell me it cannot be done.

Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions

Email: hope@kimclement.com

Kim Clement: The life of Kim Clement is an expression that has defined “the prophet” for the modern era. This has made his journey unique; a journey that has taken his inspired message to schools and colleges, churches and synagogues, alleyways and prison cells. Kim’s prophetic gift is a magnet that has drawn a broad audience, as he has whispered to kings and inspired prisoners; his path through life continues to be an exciting adventure. His diverse and extemporaneous perspective has gained him notoriety that transcends culture, race and religion, placing him onto a world platform. He has performed at the Rose Bowl Stadium in California, Times Square in New York City, Mt. Carmel in Israel, and even the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, DC.

One Heart, One Way

One Way sign jpgPhoto courtesy of Microsoft Images

This past week, a friend dealt with circumstances that were a real struggle in her marriage. It was a time when many choices could have been made that would have caused deep regret for years to come. Fortunately, she is a believer in Jesus and sought God for wisdom FIRST and made difficult choices that were in line with His will for her marriage to heal and prosper.

When I’m faced with a struggle or have friends dealing with a challenge, my tendency is to find and pray a scripture that addresses it with a promise from God. In this case, I prayed Jeremiah 32:39  [NLT], “And I will give them one heart and one purpose: to worship me forever, for their own good and for the good of all their descendants.”

This was a promise we needed as my husband and I dealt with infertility. Having one heart and one way in facing infertility is key if a marriage is to survive the emotional, physical and financial strains. It’s so easy to get so involved and pre-occupied in the struggle that you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. Being surrounded by darkness and not seeing where you can go means that you’ll go in any direction in the search for a way out. If a husband and wife can’t agree on what to do, where to go, and how to get there, it’s easier to go in separate ways and therefore experience increasing distance between them. But what if the decision is made FIRST to only go in one direction together, giving each other encouragement and keeping in mind the same goal?

God’s promise in Jeremiah 32:39 was that the result of having one heart and one way would be good not only for the husband and wife but also for their children! Putting God first means that He will give wisdom so that you know what to do and where to go together to get out of the seemingly endless dark situation.

Looking to Jesus and therefore going in one direction together will increase the likelihood of reaching the light at the end of the tunnel much sooner and happier and make the outcome of the struggle much more rewarding.