Tag: fertility

Confidence Boosters



How’s your confidence in God today? Is it higher than it’s ever been?

Are you finding it to be easy to trust that His promises are true for your life?

Or are you needing something to boost your confidence in His love for you as you struggle through infertility?

The best thing I’ve found that builds my confidence in God is — wait for it — God’s Word. Does that surprise you? The Bible tells us that everything we need in life can be found in God’s Word, we just have to search the Scriptures for the promise that applies to our specific situation.

“By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know Him.” 2 Peter 1:3 NLT

We come to “know Him,” as that verse points out, by reading the Bible, relying on the Holy Spirit to help us understand the Word and how to apply it to our lives.

Here are a few scriptures that should build your confidence in God. I pray that as you read them and say them to yourself out loud (because faith comes by hearing – Rom 10:17),  you’ll be empowered to rely on Him even more than you do now.

“You love them as much as You love Me.”  John 17:23

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV

The LORD replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14 NIV

So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you!” Hebrews 10:35 NLT

Confidence Collage.jpg


Monday’s Marinade

Monday’s Marinade is provided to you as a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week. Start your week by meditating on this Word. Repeatedly think about and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope and a confident expectation of good things happening!

Here’s your spiritual marinade for this week:

Monday's Marinade- John 17-23

God Sends the Thread

This poem was shared on the cover of our most recent family phone directory. It was written by my maternal grandmother, Annie McAlpine Brown. It’s an honor to share her words here. I hope they encourage you to trust God.

Grandmama's Poem


Focus Friday

Focus on this scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!



Win A Signed Copy of My Book

Paperback Edition


Over on Caroline’s blog, In Due Time, my book is being offered via a Rafflecopter contest.

It’s a fun way to get a free copy of my book. I’ll sign it with a personal note to you.

Check out the contest here. There’ll be three (3) winners!

Will you be one of them?




Fertility Retreat Update

If you’ve been contemplating whether you should come to my iHope Fertility Retreat,

there’s still one spot left.


Infertility Retreat

Focus Friday

Focus on this scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

Psalm 100-5 by Tanatat.jpg

Monday’s Marinade

Monday’s Marinade is provided to you as a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week. Start your week by meditating on this Word. Repeatedly think about and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope and a confident expectation of good things happening!

Here’s your spiritual marinade for this week:

Evangeline Colbert

Focus Friday

Focus on this scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

Job 42-2 by Vorakorn

Focus Friday

Focus on this scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!


Psalm 5-12