It’s been a while between the last message from me and this one. Thank you for your patience.
In this season of infertility, you probably wonder to yourself, “Where is God? When is He going to show up and turn this thing around?” I’ll admit that I did! Doubt and impatience sometimes got the best of me. But when it feels like Jesus is nowhere to be found, it’s important to recognize that it’s just a feeling and not the Truth. The truth is He is right there with you, promising to never leave you. He is ever-present and already well-proven to be able and willing to help.
Let Psalm 46:1-2 (The Passion Translation) encourage you:
Let Jesus be your Superhero!
There’s no need to fear… He’s the best ally and friend you could ever have. Recognize that He’s for you and not against you.
Call on the Lord; talk with Him from your heart. Invite His love into your situation. He cares about all the practical things in your life– your health, your marriage, your finances, EVERYTHING. He wants you to seek Him for wisdom on what your next step should be. He’ll never grow tired of your desire to have a heart-to-heart with Him.
Align your words with His promises. What comes out of your mouth is powerful. So much so that your words will either promote life/success/blessing or death/failure/affliction within your situation. Let what you say be based on what He has said.
All of these things are important. I think the BEST thing to do in this season of asking,”Where is God?”, is to consistently ask God for a fresh revelation of His love. When you know how much He loves you, that is a HUGE difference-maker in every circumstance of your life.