“In Your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall. God is my strength and power, and He makes my way perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:30, 33

Happy New Year!! We’ve made it to 2014! Let’s celebrate by believing BIG this year!
Do you believe those verses of scripture are true for you?
Will that take some “big believing” on your part in 2014?
I encourage you to adopt this viewpoint–of God being with you, accompanying you in all that you do, loving you every minute of each day. Then you will see how, through His strength, you’ll be able to overcome challenges. Through His love, you’ll be able to love the unloveable.Through His guidance, your path will be secure. Through His power, you’ll experience more good than you could ask or think.
I pray that you’ll choose to wrap yourself in Jesus’ love and believe big in 2014 so that you’ll crush the opposition, jump over any obstacle, experience peace along your way, and enjoy the miraculous!