Tag: bible verses about fertility

Who Dat?

Image courtesy of by Jeroen van Oostrom / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of by Jeroen van Oostrom / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


No, this post is not about the New Orleans Saints and the Who Dat Nation. It’s about deciding where your focus will be in 2014.

If Jesus appeared in your living room today, would you recognize Him or would you have to say, “Who dat?” If He showed up at your place of employment, would you have to say, “Who dat?”

Make a decision today, 12/31/2013, that no matter what challenges lie ahead, your focus will be on Jesus and all His goodness, strength, and unconditional love for you. Then, when He appears, you won’t have to say, “Who dat?” You’ll know Him for sure and you’ll enjoy the favor, wisdom, and peace that only His presence can give you.

Focus on the presence of the Champion. That will be the best decision you’ll ever make as you plan for advancement in 2014 and beyond!

“We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. ”

Hebrews 12:2 (NLT)

Focus Friday

This is the last Focus Friday post of 2013. My prayer is that 2014 will prove to be a year where you focus and meditate on God’s promises to you and that you will bear fruit in every season, prospering in all that you do!

Image courtesy of nuchylee  / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of nuchylee / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“But they delight in the law of the LORD, meditating on it day and night.They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.” Psalm 1: 2, 3 (NLT)

Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37

Image courtesy of  James Barker/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of James Barker/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Ebook — Infertility Sucks! — is Now Available

Infertility Sucks AVAILABLE

“Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility” is now on the bookshelves of your virtual bookstore!

It’s available on Amazon.com and Smashwords.com. Look for it to be available soon on iTunes and Barnes and Noble.

Here’s the description of the ebook:

“Infertility Sucks!” is written from the perspective of Evangeline Colbert’s victory over infertility. It gives practical advice on how to address the spiritual aspect of infertility, how to manage stress in the midst of infertility, and how to make sure your marriage not only survives but thrives.

Infertility is a huge stressor in a marriage and many couples don’t survive its pressure. Numerous couples suffer in silence, experiencing incredible shame, pain, and disappointment month after month. Couples will gain insights from chapters covering: Seven Strategies to Manage Stress in Your Marriage, How to Maintain Hope During Infertility, The Advantages of Affirmations and much more.

A prayer for those desiring children is included along with much more information about the spiritual aspect of infertility.

There are also activities included in the book to get you started in taking action to increase your hope and to protect and strengthen your marriage.

 You must have tenacious hope in this struggle and “Infertility Sucks!” shows you how.

Please share this powerful resource with others by clicking on any of the social media links below.

Buy Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility NOW.

Infertility Sucks! – ebook

Infertility Sucks cover

I’m pleased to announce that my ebook, “Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility,” is done!  This book encourages couples whose lives are affected by infertility. It gives practical tips on  how to manage stress in the midst of infertility, how to address the spiritual aspect of infertility, and how to make sure their marriage not only survives but thrive.

“Infertility Sucks!” will hit the virtual bookshelves on 12/1/13.

And, because you have been great about supporting me, you get to take advantage of a discounted price on Smashwords.com. Just go to https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/379472, enter the coupon code PR93P on your order, and you’ll receive a 30% discount!

Please help me get the word out:  “SHARE”  this post (using the buttons below) so that others on Facebook , Twitter, Google+, etc., are made aware.

You never know who in your sphere of influence is silently suffering through infertility or who may know someone else who is. This book could be just what they need.

Thanks for your support!

Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“He gives the barren woman a home, making her the joyous mother of children. Praise the Lord!” Psalm 113:9 (ESV)

Image courtesy of vectorgirl-fotolia.jpg
Image courtesy of vectorgirl-fotolia.jpg

And the Winner is…

Many thanks to all of you who voted on what the cover of my next book, Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility, should look like (see my 10/22/14 post) .

Too many marriages end up scarred and sometimes broken due to infertility. This ebook, which will be released before the end of 2013, will give you practical tips about how to manage stress in your marriage in the midst of dealing with infertility. It will also encourage you, strengthen and increase your hope, and will give you meaningful affirmations to speak over your life as you wait with confident expectancy for the blessing of a child.

You can request a FREE excerpt of Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility  at www.evangelinecolbert.com. Soon, the ebook will be available to purchase on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes.  When you visit my website, be sure to also request information about our upcoming iHope Infertility Retreat in Spring 2014 and iHope Coaching (our spiritual empowerment coaching service).

Now, back to the cover.

The winner, by a 2-to-1 margin, is:

Infertility Sucks cover FINAL

[FYI– the subtitle will be added to the cover design.]

Thanks again for all of your comments. They will help me make this book the best it can be!

And now, a question for you: What kind of information are you looking for about maintaining hope during infertility?

I’d love for a future post/ book/article to address your specific concerns and needs. Please leave your thoughts in the comments section below or, if you prefer, email them to me at Evangeline@evangelinecolbert.com.

God Does

Image courtesy of ponsulak / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image courtesy of ponsulak / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Focus Friday

Focus on the following scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.  Give thanks to Him, bless His name.”  Psalm 100:4 (ESV)

“But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.”  1 Corinthians 15:57 (NLT)

Image courtesy of Apolonia / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of Apolonia / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Celebration Time

Salvatore Vuono/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Salvatore Vuono/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

I’m learning how to celebrate the little things in life.

I’m learning how to pause and enjoy the moment of an accomplishment.

The accomplishment I’m celebrating today is, drum roll please… having posted 200 times on this blog site! Woo Hoo!

Thank you for being here. I’m thankful for all your comments, votes, prayers, and suggestions over the past two years. I hope you have enjoyed reading my thoughts, gotten encouraged, gleaned much from the Word of God, and seen how life can be positively transformed when you’re focused on Jesus.

Over the next 200+ posts, I pray that you’ll continue to be inspired to live life with a hope-filled focus. Tell a friend to join you here so you can share encouragement with one another.

How do you take time to celebrate the small successes of life?

JOY1- rainbow  people by vectorgirl -Fotolia
