Will You Praise Him in Advance–BEFORE You Receive?

What are you willing to do to see your heart’s desire come to fruition?

This week, I’m fasting and praying. And while that may not be the direction God takes you in, there is something else you can do.

Here’s something simple that can help you, no matter the situation you’re facing: Praise Him in Advance!

Praise Him in Advance


Before you see, have, or experience what you’re hoping for, verbally praise and thank God for it now.

Regardless of what you see, don’t let it hinder your praise.

No matter what you feel in your body, don’t let it hinder your praise.

Even if a friend or family member discourages you, don’t let it hinder your praise.

Praising God in advance takes faith. But it also builds your faith. Why? Because faith comes by hearing. As you hear yourself saying thanks to God before your desire is manifested, you are declaring a deeper trust; you’re adding to your faith and increasing your certainty in what God has already declared about that desire.

Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. – Hebrews 11:1

I hope that you’ll always take the “risk” of saying thanks to God before you receive what you’ve asked Him for. It may feel weird or seem counterintuitive, but trust me, praise is powerful. David and Jesus tell us so (Psalm 8:2 and Matthew 21:16). Praising God effectively serves us by silencing the enemy and putting us in a strong and strategic position. Take advantage of that TODAY!

Need a tool to help you BELIEVE that praise and gratitude in advance is something for you? Check out my devotional, BELIEVE You Can Reign in Life.

Believe You Can Reign Devotional





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