Amanda is a 21st century overcomer. Last week, many of you were so excited by her story of overcoming infertility that you couldn’t wait to read “the rest of the story.” Well here it is! 🙂  And in case you missed Part 1, you can read it HERE.
I know her experience in coming out of the season of infertility will encourage you!
Overcoming Infertility: Amanda’s Story (Part 2)
I had the opportunity to attend a fertility retreat hosted by Evangeline and meet her in person. I had been trying to figure out the scripture from Exodus 23:25-26 for months by the time I attended. The part I got stuck on was, “You shall serve only the Lord.” I felt like I was already serving “only” the Lord, so then why did the promise of “no miscarriages”, not apply to me? Evangeline shared a picture that hit at the truth. She said, “you have truths in your head that you read or hear and believe, but they don’t connect with your heart and thus don’t “feel” real. But the thing between your head and your heart is your mouth. You’ve got to speak His promises.”
Speak God’s Promises of Fertility
God wants us to partner with Him. That’s why He gives us promises that belong to us because of what Jesus did for us, but He wants us to own them by speaking them. Equally true, we can speak lies that feed our hearts as well. I started this journey by speaking over myself the lie that “I’d be better off not being a mom, because I’d screw them up” and later agreed with the lie that I had “bad eggs.” To answer my above question, the truth was I probably wasn’t serving “only” the Lord, because I was doing things (seeking answers) in my own power, but more importantly I wasn’t standing on His truth. There were things that I knew about His character, His love, His plans, His timing, but didn’t “feel” them as real and thus I turned to worldly science instead of Him.
For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. ~2 Corinthians 1:20
If He has made a promise, His answer is “Yes” in Christ, but we have to agree. God has promised us our hearts desires if we take delight in Him (Psalm 37:4). What better way to do that than to agree with Him? If you haven’t already, look at the number of times that God promised that we won’t be barren and the number of women throughout history who stood on these promises and overcame infertility. It is truly amazing!
Armed with New Weapons for Overcoming Infertility
I left the retreat with a new arsenal of weapons to use against the enemy. I started seeking out God’s promises and speaking them over my life. Instead of questioning Exodus, I just started declaring that the promise of no miscarriages was for me. I fired the infertility clinic and found a new believing doctor that heard my story and the first thing he said was “well it looks like we’re getting closer each time”, a shockingly hopeful statement. I took a full-time job, because I figured based on my previous track record, it would be a while before I got pregnant. God had different plans.
The Blessing Manifested
I tested positive at the beginning part of August 2014 and fear set in hard. It’s easier to speak out truth than it is to walk it out and I entered into a full on war with the devil. I stood on Exodus, shaking, tears flowing down my blubbering face on more than one occasion. We held off on blood work and ultrasounds until 9 weeks, because we didn’t want any “fact” to interfere with God’s truth. If there was going to be life, there would be evidence without doubt by 9 weeks. That was the longest 5 weeks of my life, but on September 10, 2014, there was a beautifully strong, pounding heart beat and a little bean with nubs wiggling away on the screen. Four weeks later he had grown full arms, legs, hands, fingers, feet and toes and the reality finally kicked in, this was my promise. On April 13, 2015, Samuel David Roberts was born  8 lb.-11 oz and 21 inches long.
He has since blossomed into a gentle, joyful, and BIG boy. He just turned one, is weighing almost 30 pounds, and is just shy of 3 ft. tall.
He is amazing. My husband and I are repeatedly lost for words about how awesome he is. He gives us a reason to be thankful every single day and now we get to be thankful for his sister who is due in September. 🙂

Final Thoughts of Encouragement
I’ll leave you with this: I know the choke hold that the lie of infertility can have on your faith, your trust, and your ability to fight. I know there are times when you think there is no fight left, but if I can encourage you with one thing, it is that God knows and He’s not done! The enemy might get to have this season for a time, but if you have a desire to be a mother, God gave it to you and He has a plan to make it a reality. Stand on and speak this truth over your life!
Many blessings to a home filled with the pounding of little feet and squeals of laughter throughout.
Chris, Amanda, Samuel and Baby girl Roberts
Overcoming infertility is possible! For more encouragement so that you can stand on God’s promises, read
A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility.Â
This is a true faith builder, thank you so much for sharing this testimony this really helps.
Trish, I’m so glad you found it helpful. I like to remind myself that if God did it before, He’ll do it again! 🙂
I guess I had just taken it for granted that people had babies when they chose to. Once Miriam and I started speaking, I began to wonder who else I knew who might have been affected.
Yes Lesley, infertility affects millions of people but it’s one of those “silent” conditions where those struggling with it tend to not discuss it openly. Hopefully, they are being encouraged by people like Amanda who are willing to share their testimony.