As we begin this first full week of 2013, I thought I would encourage you to speak Light into your life. All of us have some dark spaces in our life. Some of those spaces are small corners. Some of those spaces feel like a huge banquet hall of darkness.
Nevertheless, any amount of darkness goes away when light come. Even the light of a candle makes the darkness flee from the area immediately surrounding the candle. Psalm 119:130 says that the entrance of the Word of God brings light. How do we allow the Word of God to enter our lives? By speaking it! By agreeing with it! By believing it! When light is the Light of Christ, it is powerful and active on our behalf! That Light gives us hope for our tomorrows.
So declare that 2013 will be a year filled with light for your life. Find a scripture that encourages you about the dark spaces you have in your life and believe that Word is true for you. See that Truth work its way of light for you throughout 2013.
Feel free to share any scriptures that you will “make your own” in the comments section below. Blessings to you as you declare God’s Word and bring light into your world.