Category: Infertility

Looking Beyond My Problems

Psalm 121 [NKJV] opens by asking, “Where does my help come from?”

There were countless times when I wondered who was available to help me during my struggle with infertility. Doctors could only do so much in their role as a medical professional. Friends could sympathize but they couldn’t truly understand what I was going through.They had not experienced falling into the pit of infertility. Family members were supportive but couldn’t identify with the struggle either. My husband, even though he was kind and loving toward me, was also in the struggle and therefore  looking for support as well.

It seemed no matter where I looked, there was no one in my sphere of influence that could be the principal source of help that I needed. But, I learned that when looking for help, the quickest way to get it was to look to Jesus (Hebrews 12:2). He could identify with my physical and emotional pain. He was my Savior. He was my Champion. He was the one who could do something about my problems when I stopped looking at the problems and looked to Him.

Life’s Road Map

Circumstances in life can sometimes take us off course. They become distractions that take our eyes off of our desired destination and deceive us to head in a direction that was not planned. But just as you may have a GPS system in your car or on your phone that talks to you and gives new directions, as a believer in Jesus, you have a GPS system in your heart–the Holy Spirit. He will be the One who compassionately corrects your life path with small turns here and there to get you back on course to the destiny that God has planned for you.

So when you’re feeling like you don’t know the next step to take in life (I’ve been there, done that, and bought MANY t-shirts), consult the One who does know. Ask Him for wisdom and He will not fail to give it to you.

As a matter of fact, He will give wisdom liberally to those trust Him to do so.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.” James 1:5 [NIV]


Determining Your Future

What kind of future do you desire? Is it one filled with days of average outcomes or  outstanding results? Your words are seeds for your future. What you’re saying throughout your day today, will determine the outcome of your future days.

In a farmer’s mind, the seed has dominion over the soil. The seed is what determines the harvest. No matter how well-conditioned the soil may be, without any seed, there is no harvest!

Whether you believe it or not, your words are seeds for your future. Your negative words will bring about a negative outcome and be a snare in your life [Proverbs 18:7]. Your positive words will result in a positive outcome, bringing a harvest of “good success” [Joshua 1:8].

The best seed you can plant for your future is God’s Word from the Bible because His words are full of truth and life. They will always provide a bountiful harvest when planted in good soil. Isn’t it wonderful that YOU get to determine the harvest of your life through the seeds of the words you speak?

Make the decision to believe and consistently speak scriptures that contain the promises of what you desire to have happen in your life. Your fruitful future depends upon the seeds you sow today!

Is Today One of Those Days?

Have you ever had a day when it felt as if no one could understand the pain and the struggle you’re experiencing? Has it felt like you’re all alone in your own world laden with sorrow, shame and feelings of inferiority? Have you wondered if anyone anywhere is praying for you?

Be assured, you’re not alone in having those feelings. But even better, know that Someone, who’s everywhere, is praying for you. That Someone is Jesus. He’s sympathetic to your situation. He’s full of compassion. He knows the heartache you’re experiencing. He’s the one who wants to change it.

Rest in the truth that you are wholeheartedly loved by God, the Creator of the universe. Find peace in knowing that even if it seems no one else on earth understands your pain or it feels like no one else is praying for you, there is Someone who does. When you trust Him as your Advocate and Intercessor, Jesus is the One who can turn “one of those days” into a day of heaven on earth.

“My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.”  ~~ Psalm 121:2

3 Reasons to Believe You Will Get Pregnant

It’s so easy to believe the negative reports about infertility. We humans are trained through our normal, everyday situations to focus on and remember the negative circumstances of life. But what if there were powerful reasons to believe something radically different from the medical reports and the advice/counsel you get from friends and family?

Would you believe?

Here are three reasons to believe that you are blessed and empowered to overcome infertility:

  1. God said none should be barren/infertile, not male or female.  [Deuteronomy 7:14]
  2. God said ALL things are possible with Him [Luke 1:37] and impossible without Him. [John 15:5]
  3. God said He is always with you and His Spirit bears witness to the Truth (what God has said) because His Word is truth.[ 1 John 5:6; John 17:17]

We’re told in 1 Kings 8:56 that “not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises He gave.”

Will you believe?

God’s Got This

If you like to be in control of things in your life like I do, you may sometimes experience frustration that life is not working out exactly as you had planned. When my husband and I decided to start having children, we thought pregnancy would happen according to our timeline that we had developed a few years earlier. It didn’t.

After numerous doctor visits, temperature charting, lab tests, tears, anger, and many times of asking God “why,” we finally decided that we’d put this issue of infertility in God’s hands. And He did not disappoint! The Bible says to cast all our cares (those things that distract us from believing in God’s willingness to help us) onto God. He wants us to choose to focus on the truth that He is not only able to move mightily on our behalf, but He is also willing to do the  impossible in our lives. He loves us so much and wants the “best” things we desire in our lives to line up with His “best” plan.

When we reach a point in life’s circumstances that we can truly say within our heart, “God’s got this,” we are positioning ourselves in the place of rest that He intended for us to be in all along. It’s in that place of rest, which is actually a place of great strength, that we see His best plan for us come to fruition. 

Looking to Jesus

Someone once said, “Looking to your past gives you regrets. Looking to your future gives you opportunities.” I’d like to add to that—“Looking to Jesus helps you finish the race of life as a victor.” [Hebrews 12:1,2]

When we look to Jesus, it gives us hope for being rescued out of the situation of infertility and anything else that’s a struggle. After all, He’s the one that rescued Peter out of the breath-snatching waves of water. He rescued Paul from the grip of hatred and fear. He loosed Lazurus from the chains of death. He rescued sick people from various illnesses and fed thousands of hungry people with just a few loaves of bread (twice!).

Look to Jesus and be encouraged! Because of His obedience, death, and resurrection, we have access to blessings that the Father intended for us to have all along. Looking to Jesus is what we need to do to be reminded that He did everything necessary , on our behalf, for us to be rescued from bondage and brought into freedom. He finished and satisfied every requirement so that we are now qualified to claim and enjoy all the blessings that He has already given us, including overcoming infertility.  [Ephesians 1:3; Deuteronomy 7:14; Deuteronomy 28:4]

A Wholesome Tongue

Have you noticed that I frequently mention that we should be mindful of the words we allow to come out of our mouth? That’s because what we say is a difference-maker in our personal world. Our words are powerful! They are vessels that contain and convey life or death. What we say is what we get and it’s our choice to determine what we speak into our lives.

 “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life…” ~~Proverbs 15:4

“Wholesome” is defined as “conducive to general well-being.” So the Bible is showing us that speaking positive, faith-filled words is conducive to our well-being. The opposite is also true: speaking words that are contaminated with negativity leads to unfavorable things.

Is your world tainted with uneasiness and frustration? I encourage you to be more aware of what you say.  Are your words sometimes full of fear, anxiety, and hopelessness? Choose to change them to words with a more positive “vibe”—words of peace, contentment, and hope. I’m sure you’ll see what a difference-maker a wholesome tongue can be!

Enlarge Your Territory!

Do you tend to make preparations for upcoming events in your life? Isaiah 54:1-2 describes a time of preparation: “”Sing, O barren, you who have not borne! Break forth into singing, and cry aloud, you who have not labored with child…enlarge the place of your tent, and let them stretch out the curtains of your dwellings; do not spare; lengthen your cords, and strengthen your stakes.” Enlarging your territory is simply making preparation for the good things you expect to happen.

Have you reached a point of believing and not doubting in your heart, that God intends for you to have a child? Faith in what He declares in His Word gives you the confidence to act on it.   Find something that you can do as a means of preparing for the blessing of a child. Maybe you’ll want to begin now to adjust your budget for the expenses you’ll encounter once you have the baby. Or maybe you’ll decide to start taking pre-natal vitamins.

Whatever you choose to do to enlarge your territory, do it with a high expectation of the good things God will do your life. He enjoys seeing that you have confidence in His promises and loves blessing you with the desires of your heart!

I’m Just Sayin’

I have learned, and am still learning, how important my words are. Not only do they let others know what I think, but also they are actually vessels filled with the power to change things in my life or to keep things the same.

Zig Ziglar, a world-renowned motivation speaker said, “You are what you are and where you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change what you are and where you are by changing what goes into your mind.”  Other than images, words are what go into your mind. God designed this universe to respond to words. He spoke words and things happened (Genesis 1). That’s why He sent the prophets of the Old Testament, to speak the words that He spoke about things so that those words would cause His plan to happen.

Throughout the book of Isaiah in the Bible, we see so many prophetic words about what was coming in the future through the Messiah. Those prophecies proclaim the things to come so that the words would set in motion those things that God included in His plan for man. All of those words were eventually fulfilled, accomplished, and completed through Jesus.

God has placed that same significance and power in our words. Our words are able to change our personal world when we speak what God says about our situation. The act of saying what God says (His promises), initiates, strengthens and builds our faith. Believing and speaking His promises instead of repeatedly speaking our problems can change our personal world.

So if God said it, I choose to believe it AND I choose to say it (2 Corinthians 4:13).