Category: events

Fertility Retreat Update

If you’ve been contemplating whether you should come to my iHope Fertility Retreat,

there’s still one spot left.


Infertility Retreat

The Guest Room

I grew up in a home where there was no guest room. If anyone spent the night, they had to sleep on the sofa. Not a sofa bed, just a sofa. That didn’t make for comfortable accommodations so we didn’t have very many overnight guests!

Fast forward to the future. The date is May 30, 2014. On that day, I am not in the home where I grew up.  I am in the retreat home where I am hosting the iHope Fertility Retreat. There are enough bedrooms in this house so that there is an empty bedroom. But because a generous donor gave me a scholarship for a young woman, that empty room has become a guest room for an attendee.


Bedroom by Witthaya PhonsawatHave been thinking about coming to the iHope Fertility Retreat but finances were holding you back? I have a scholarship that you could possibly qualify for and use to pay your FULL registration fee! Someone who believes in the mission of the iHope Fertility Retreat handed me a check last night to cover the the cost of one person to attend. This was such a clear indication of God’s favor working. It was such an unexpected blessing!!! And yet, I must say that all along I was expecting God to make a way for the right people to be in the right place at the right time so that the right people could attend. In the Fall of 2013, I made Him my Retreat Attendance Officer  and I haven’t worried about who’s coming since then.

I expect that He will continue to provide in other ways, just as He has provided the guest room at the iHope Retreat.

If you’re interested in seeing if you qualify for this scholarship, please email me at and let me know why you’d like to be the one enjoying a stay in the guest room. 

Will you be my guest?


“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:19


Image :  |  Witthaya Phonsawat


Fertility Retreat


The women’s Fertility Retreat is right around the corner! It’s only ONE month away! Woo Hoo!

I am so honored that God is using me as a vessel to bring this special weekend of R&R to those women who battle the daily grind of infertility. The R&R in this instance stands for Rest and Receive. This intimate gathering  starts on Friday, May 30 in Phoenix, AZ.

Join us for a weekend of:

  • spiritual connection through workshops based on my book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility
  • pampering
  • good food
  • fun
  • and more!

This will be much more than a “Calgon moment.” You’ll be allowed to turn off all the infertility stressors from your everyday life and plug into God’s promises so you can Rest and Receive.

It’s an all-inclusive weekend—your registration fee covers your lodging, meals, and workshop materials— and I hope you’ll be a part of it.  

If you’re not personally affected by infertility but know someone who is, consider gifting them a weekend away so they can shift their focus from the despair of infertility to being hope-filled in God’s promises of fertility.

Find all the details here.

What’s the one thing you’d want to do/address at this event?


Save the Date

A retreat designed to help you address

the spiritual aspect of infertility.

Make your reservation and Save $ Now

Early Bird pricing is available through 4/25/14.


Infertility Retreat

It’s time for YOU to Rest and Receive!

Fertility Retreat – You’re Invited!

Infertility Retreat

Walk of Hope 2014

Walk of Hope 2014

If you’re in Arizona this weekend, join me for the RESOLVE Walk of Hope.

It’s an easy walk  around Eldorado Park in Scottsdale, AZ that takes 30-45 minutes to complete.

Registration will begin at 8:00 AM and the Walk begins at 9:00AM.

There will be lots of fun activities for everyone to enjoy! The Arizona Walk of Hope is pet-friendly. Bring your dog to join the walk and enter the fur-baby costume contest. There’s also a moon bounce, massage booth, and more! All Walk activities will be completed by 11:00AM. 

The Walk of Hope will raise funds that will support local programming, public awareness initiatives, and advocacy efforts to ensure that all family building options are available to all.

2013-11-26 14.21.04The weather should be beautiful!

I’ll be at the Authors Table sharing my books, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility, and Infertility Sucks! How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility. Please stop by and introduce yourself. I’d love to meet you, encourage you, and give you gift.

Tucson Festival of Books

TFOB official cover

If you’re in the Tucson, AZ area on this coming Sunday, 3/16/14, come see me at the Tucson Festival of Books (#TFOB)! The fourth largest book festival in the U.S., TFOB drew over 130,000 people in 2013 and it’s expected to draw more this year. There will be over 100 authors from multiple genres presenting and signing books during the weekend, along with musicians, culinary experts, and circus performers. STEM literacy comes to life as experts in the world of science will make science fun for kids in Science City. All of this will take place on the campus of University of Arizona.

Some of your favorite authors will likely be there and you’ll be able to have a day of great family fun in beautiful spring-like weather.

A-Seed-of-Hope-low-coverMy book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility, will be featured in the Authors Pavilion West on Sunday, 2-4pm. I’ll be there signing copies of it and would love to personally sign one to you or someone you know that you’d like to encourage in their struggle with infertility.

You can see my comments on this event using the hashtags  #LivingHopeOutLoud and #LHOL on Twitter and Facebook.

Hope to see you there!

Infertility Encouragement

Infertility Sucks coverToday, I’m sharing an excerpt from my book, Infertility Sucks!How to Maintain Hope in Your Marriage During Infertility.

Infertility is stressful. No doubt about that! When you look for articles with helpful information, most articles about the impact of infertility on marriage are full of doom and gloom. They tell you to expect breakdown in communication, permanent loss of joy in sex, etc. As predictors of what can happen, they fall short of supplying any hope for a loving, long-lasting, and strong marriage after this struggle has “run its course.”


Here are three of the 7 tips I share in Infertility Sucks! that will help you manage the stress of infertility:

  1. Discuss how you can help each other feel safe in sharing difficult and emotional thoughts. This may take time to achieve, depending on how you’ve dealt with them so far and how open your lines of communication are right now.
  2. Pray together. If you’ve not done this before, it may feel awkward at first. To help reduce the awkwardness, write out the prayer you want to pray and use it as a starter. Consider scheduling the time and then be sure to respect your spouse and keep the appointment. Husbands, I encourage you, as the spiritual leader of your family, to be open to initiating these prayers. The side benefit of doing so is that your wife will find it VERY sexy!
  3. Be proactive. Take some time to think and then discuss with your spouse what your response will be to troubling circumstances. Define and put in writing your “will do’s” and your “will not’s”. For example, decide now that divorce is not an option. Infertility can begin to put a squeeze on your finances as well and that adds another level of pressure that must be addressed with open and honest communication. Seek God for direction as you make decisions about managing your money wisely as you continue to have doctors visits, procedures and treatments. Setbacks from these things can bring about an enormous amount of stress. Be proactive and secure your relationship on a foundation of commitment to each other and to Jesus.

Of course you’ll find lots of other tips, activities, practical examples, and encouragement in Infertility Sucks!

I’m honored to give you another opportunity to hear some words of encouragement tonight (1/23/14). Sonja Sells will interview me on Blog Talk Radio’s Breath Inspired broadcast. You can listen on your computer or mobile device. Here’s the link: Breath Inspired Logo

Join us tonight at 8pm EST.

Thanks for your support!

Infertility-Arizona Walk of Hope


Join Us in Scottsdale!

When: Saturday, March 23rd

Where: Eldorado Park in Scottsdale, AZ.

Registration will begin at 8:00 AM and the Walk begins at 9:00AM. All Walk activities will be completed by 11:00AM. 

The Walk of Hope will raise funds that will support local programming, public awareness initiatives, and advocacy efforts to ensure that all family building options are available to all.

No one should face infertility alone.