Author: Evangeline

Speak the Word

What is the Foundation to Answered Prayer for Your Current Challenge?

When you pray, how are your prayers shaped? By your feelings? By what you’ve heard others pray? The foundation to answered prayer always starts with God’s Word.

Scriptures are the building blocks for effective prayer. Isaiah 55:11 (NIV) encourages us to pray the words that God uses in His promises.

So is My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Tips to Answered Prayer

God already stated that His promises are Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). So take the time to find the specific Scripture that addresses your specific problem/mountain. Then strengthen your belief in that Scripture by repeatedly and consistently speaking it to yourself. That will build your faith in God’s specific promise. Finally, PRAY that Scripture–return it to Him, as Isaiah instructs us to do, by speaking it in prayer to Him. Mark 11:23-24 encourages us because Jesus said:

“I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.”


I think the key phrase in those verses is if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.” Jesus was teaching an important prayer principle. He wanted us to understand that when we pray believing that His work is already done, and believing that the thing we desire is already ours, we can stand knowing that it is a done deal. Even if we don’t yet see it manifested, we can have a heart that stands strong in the belief that it’s done and that thanks God for it! It is confident in receiving answered prayer.

Pray the Word

God is not a liar. His answer is always “Yes” to His Word. Trust Him. It’s through Jesus’ finished work on the cross that we choose to believe that He has already done what He said. He IS a promise keeper!

Let your prayers be shaped by God’s words.

What Scripture(s) do you pray and stand on with gratitude about infertility or some other challenge you’re currently facing?

Jesus taught an important prayer principle here. He wanted us to understand that we can have confidence in experiencing answered prayer. Share on X

Can Summer Reading Really Improve Your Quality of Life?

summer readingWhen I think of summer reading, I typically think about light-hearted fiction. But in recent years, I’ve come to love non-fiction books that help me to improve my quality of life. If you appreciate a good read that gives you tips about how to live like a champion, my book, Live to Win, could be the answer to, “What should I read next?”

It’s been said that Live to Win is a blueprint for successful living. Discover a multitude of tips in its pages that empower you to get better results faster.  These tips contain the wisdom principles that Jesus taught for living victoriously.

You’ll see how to apply five powerful, results-oriented strategies that are essential for your victory and success. This kind of summer reading will have positive and enduring effects on your life for years to come!

Go to Amazon or your favorite bookseller and get your copy of Live to Win today!

prayer - how to trust

When God Speaks :: His Word Changes Everything

When God speaks, do you listen with the expectation that something is about to change?

God’s words contain the power to change everything! That’s why we need to pay attention when God speaks.

Years Decades ago, there was a TV commercial which had the catchy phrase about investing money, “When E.F. Hutton speaks, people listen!” That same thing should be said about God but unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. We get distracted and don’t hear Him, or we hear Him but become afraid of how His words could affect us, or we simply don’t believe what He said could possibly be true for our life.

But the Bible tells us that there is so much positive power contained in God’s words that those words alone can keep us alive!

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” – Matthew 4:4 NIV

When God Speaks

So when we are challenged with diseases/conditions in our bodies, we need to be sure to go to the Word. We can take time to encourage ourselves by finding out what God has said about it. Why? Because there are many references in the Bible that assure us we can receive healing through His words. Here’s an example. It’s from Proverbs 4:20-22 NLT:

My child, pay attention to what I say. Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body.

Let Scripture encourage you to LISTEN when God speaks to you, to remember His words, to hide them in your heart, and to acknowledge that His words bring life and healing to your whole body. No part of your body is left out of this promise. There’s a healing word for your entire body.

What words of His will you use to change your circumstances? Please share the scripture below so that we can all be blessed by it. 🙂

God's words contain the power to change anything and everything! That's why we need to pay attention when God speaks. Share on X


God says - prayer - stand firm

A Prayer To Help You Through the Season of Infertility

You can always decide to have a new prayer season, one in which you stand firm on a Scripture that addresses your current problem. Here’s another Scripture-based prayer for you to use during the season of infertility:

Heavenly Father, I know You see me. I know You love me. But it’s difficult to see Your purpose in this season of infertility. Despite that, I know that You’re working, even when I don’t feel like You are. Thank You for that.

Would You please comfort me right now? Open my eyes and my heart so that I can see and receive Your love. Help me to remain focused on the solution (Jesus) and not on the problem (infertility). Show me how to speak Your Word to this mountain. I need wisdom and instruction about how to rest in Your willingness and ability to change my circumstances.

Help me to remain focused on the solution (Jesus) and not on the problem (infertility). Share on X

I pray that I’ll walk in Love daily so that I can see the supernatural take place. Help me live each day in faith, being confident in Your power and in Your love for me. Please give me insight about how to mix faith with patience, so that I will stand strong in Christ for the blessing of children to be manifested in my life. I desire a fresh vision, to see myself with the child(ren) You have planned for me and my husband.  

I ask that You help me dwell in Your presence and that You will show Yourself strong on our behalf.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

If you decide to have a new prayer season, how will you use this prayer? Please share in the comments below.


7 Gifts From God and How to Get Them

There are seven power-packed gifts from God that are mentioned in Proverbs 3:16-18. These gifts are available to any believer in Jesus Christ because He performed the finished work on the cross in order to make us eligible to receive them. The exciting news is, according to Jewish traditions, this list of seven gifts includes children!

It amazes me how God has packed so much into a very short passage of Scripture:

She (God’s Wisdom) is more precious than jewels; nothing you desire can equal her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left, riches and honor. Her ways are pleasant, and all her paths, peaceful. She is a tree of life to those who embrace her, and those who hold on to her are happy. – Proverbs 3:16-18 CSB


Through God’s written Word, and the Living Word– Jesus, He has given us:

  1. Long life
  2. Wealth
  3. Honor
  4. Wisdom
  5. Children
  6. Favor
  7. Peace

The 7 Gifts From God

Long Life – God’s words have power! Keeping His words in your heart will help you enjoy well-being and live a long and fulfilling life.

“Let your heart keep my commands; for length of days and long life; and peace they will add to you.” –Proverbs 3:1, 2

Wealth – God desires for believers to prosper. In the midst of famine, God caused Isaac to prosper.

“Let the LORD be magnified, who has pleasure in the prosperity of his servant.” -Psalm 35:27 NKJV

Honor – God provides high respect and esteem for those who receive His love and, who love His Son, Jesus.

“Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name. He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him. -Psalm 91:14, 15

Wisdom – The wisdom of God is delineated in the Word. It is not burdensome. It doesn’t impose difficulties upon the believer. Instead, it shows believers the right path to choose; it’s a road map of life and it always leads to truth and justice.

“Make your ear attentive to wisdom.” – Proverbs 2:2 NASB

“The Lord gives wisdom.” – Proverbs 2:6

“Happy is the man who finds wisdom.” – Proverbs 3:13

Children, Favor and Peace: Gifts from God

Children – Jewish tradition, through the Vilna Gaon, explains that “the tree of life” and its fruit refer to a person’s children. Someone who dies and leaves a son to fill his place is not considered dead; thus they are his tree of life.

“The fruit of a righteous one is a tree of life.” – Proverbs 11:30

“Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3 NLT

Favor –  The Lord’s favor is available to surround us and bring grace into our daily lives. His favor never runs out!

“For you bless the righteous, O Lord; you cover him with favor as with a shield.” – Psalm 5:12

“Your marvelous favor makes us even stronger, lifting us even higher!” – Psalm 89:17 TPT

“His loving favor lasts a lifetime!” – Psalm 30:5 TPT

Peace – Jesus is our source of peace. When we keep our attention turned toward Him instead of our problems, we experience a deeper and greater tranquillity and contentment.

“For He Himself is our peace.” – Ephesians 2:14

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” – John 14:27

How will you receive and accept these seven gifts from God that are available to you?

Are You Strong Enough to Ask for Help?

strong enough to ask for help

Can you relate to this scene? You’ve had too many hard days and you’re feeling lonely, misunderstood, and emotionally weak. You just want to make the pain stop.

Are you strong enough to ask for help? That may sound like an oxymoron, but it really does take strength to ask for help.

So many times, we can get stuck in that place of feeling weak. We believe the lie that we’ll appear even weaker if we make it known that we need assistance in making life better… or at least bearable.

In spite of what is going on in your life, it’s important to decide to go to the One who loves you through it all and has the power to change it all.

Here’s a prayer that I hope will encourage you to be strong enough to pray and ask for help so that you step into your place of strength, right in the midst of your weakness and pain.

Ask for Help

Lord, I need You. I’m hungry for You. I’m thirsting for You.

Help me to believe Your words are true, to trust You more, and to expect You to work in my life. Help me to say so.

Show me the power of Your Word.

Teach me how to use Your Word so that I can be strong in facing my challenges.

Give me wisdom. Encourage me. Strengthen me. Help me to hear You more through Your Word, so that my faith grows.

Open my eyes to see You. Help me to focus on Jesus.

Open my ears to hear You.

Soften my heart and adjust my desire so that match Your desires for my life.

Help me to always see Your love for me. Your love makes me strong.

Help me to always acknowledge my need for You… and to ask for Your help.

I want to always be open to receive Your guidance and assistance.

Thank You for loving me.

Thanks for being EVERYTHING I need.

Thank You that Your grace is always working on my behalf, especially in this moment.

In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

In spite of what may be going on in your life, it's important to decide to go to the One who loves you through it all and has the power to change it all. Share on X

A Prayer of Confidence: Psalm 3

How do you pray with confidence? I love finding points in the Word that are applicable to my circumstances so that I can pray them. Praying the Word brings power into prayer. Jesus set that example for us. Praying Scripture instills confidence about our prayers.

I’d like to give you this prayer that I crafted from points in Psalm 3. I hope that it encourages you!

Prayer Points from Psalm 3

“Lord, it seems like so many factors are against me and I feel like they’re surrounding me. It’s as if they’re screaming at me, ‘God’s not on your side!’ BUT, Scripture assures me that You are on my side. You are like a shield that surrounds me. You are the One who lifts my head when I’m feeling down.

In the past, I cried out to You and You answered me. I have confidence You’ll continue to answer me. I dare to close my eyes in the midst of chaos so that I can sleep and rest. Because of You, I wake up in safety– You watch over me even as I sleep. Just like a loving father should. Even though I feel surrounded by negative circumstances, I’m not afraid.

Lord, I ask You to ARISE against my enemies and confirm who You are by saving me from these troubles in my mind, body, and spirit.

I’m grateful that my victory comes from You. Thank you for loving me and keeping Your hand of blessing upon me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

What part(s) of this prayer did you find helpful in building your confidence in prayer? Please leave a comment below!

Praying the Word brings power into prayer. Share on X



Announcing A New Fertility Book That Will Help YOU!

Have you ever heard the old saying that someone is “living on borrowed time”? Usually, it means that someone has survived against expectations.

If you’re struggling with infertility, you can live on “borrowed hope”. This means that when your hope seems to have dwindled down to its lowest point, you borrow it from others who have successfully navigated the same turbulent waters. Borrowed hope can help you survive against the expectations of childlessness that tend to infiltrate your thought life regarding getting pregnant and giving birth.

A New Fertility Book

I’m excited to announce that a fertility book which I have co-authored with Angela Williams will address that very thing!

fertility book

The title is Borrowed Hope: Sarah’s Story of Triumph Over Infertility. This book is the first in our Hope for the Waiting Womb series. The books will explore the lives of eight women whose infertility is mentioned in the Bible. Every one of these women overcame infertility and gave birth to a child who became a champion for their family, nation, or for the cause of God. These are eight stories of inCONCEIVABLE power amid the struggle of infertility.

The Borrowed Hope fertility book series explores the intimate conversations infertile women of the Bible could have had with their spouses, God, and themselves. Their stories of hope and victory will encourage those struggling to overcome infertility. The books in this series shine light on how everyday women overcame infertility by enlisting God’s help. They changed their doubt into hope and their fear into faith.

How Did God Bring Victory to Sarah?

Borrowed Hope: Sarah’s Story, is the first book in the series. It examines the life of Sarah, Abraham’s wife, who struggled for more than 70 years with infertility.

  • Peek into her world and hear her frustrations as she deals with seemingly impossible circumstances.
  • Walk with her through grief, anger, doubt, hope, and victory.
  • Listen to Sarah’s conversations with God as she longs to witness His faithfulness:

“Sarah paused, and hesitantly rubbed her stomach. Where does that leave me, Lord? What about me? Am I not a part of Your promise? I can’t stand to see Abram this way— I can’t handle not being able to give him a son. How long, Lord, will it be like this?”

Sarah’s victorious experience is living proof that God is true to His word and that He is the final authority in all circumstances. Borrowing hope from her story and ultimately, her victory, can make your struggle easier. Sarah found hope‪ and so can you‪.

Borrowed Hope will be released this summer! Come back here for additional details and giveaways. Also, check for updates in the Facebook Group, A Seed of Hope.

Every one of these women overcame infertility & gave birth to a child who became a champion for their family/nation or for the cause of God. Share on X

It’s National Infertility Awareness Week: Time to Flip the Script!

April 22nd marked the beginning of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). The theme is #FlipTheScript. In other words, change the conversation (or lack thereof) about infertility.

My way to flip the script is to add the power of God’s Word to the conversation.

Don’t Ignore This One Factor

So many women and men begin to struggle with hopelessness during this season. Infertility awareness is not only about learning more about the physical, emotional, and financial challenges. In my experience, addressing the spiritual aspect of infertility was a huge  factor.  Doing so was what helped me maintain a sense of hope. By looking at what God said about infertility, I was encouraged that my situation could change for the better. And it did! It was interesting to see how the spiritual caused improvements in the physical, emotional, and financial challenges.

By looking at what God said about infertility, I was encouraged that my situation could change for the better. Share on X

I gave some attention to the spiritual side of infertility. Prayer of course played a part. Also, I read the Bible to learn about God’s promises of fertility. Biblical accounts showed that there were at least eight women whose lives were impacted by infertility. Each one of those women overcame their infertile circumstances. Every one of them. ALL of them!

As a result, I grew stronger in trusting that God would change my circumstances. By addressing the spiritual aspect of infertility, I grew more hopeful.

And so can you.

infertility awareness - hope - #NIAW

A Prayer for Your Strength, Energy, and Health

Is there ever a day where you don’t feel like you need more strength and energy? How often does that prompt you to pray for good health?

Here’s a prayer that you might want to use. It relates to your health and is based on Scripture. I’ve included a graphic of it that you can save, print, and share. The graphic includes the Scripture references that are foundational to the prayer.

Lord Jesus, thank You for loving me.
Thank You that Your promises to me are true.
I praise You because You make all things new. 

You made it possible for Your life to be manifest in my body.
Because of what You did on the cross, I have authority to reject any sickness or condition that tries to attack my body.
I believe You have already healed me. 

I declare I am filled with strength and energy because You want me to live in wholeness!

prayer for health