Author: Evangeline

Jesus’ Finished Work on the Cross was ENOUGH


This is Easter weekend and I am sharing a post that I previously released. I hope it encourages you to believe in all that Jesus accomplished on the cross for you.

As we celebrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, here’s a prayer to offer up. It’s a reminder that Jesus’ finished work on the cross was all it took so that we could have unhindered access to the Father’s love for us (see Matthew 27:51).

Father, You tore the veil so there is no longer any boundary for us to cross to get to You. There is no barrier that hides You from us. Thank You that Jesus’ death did everything necessary to remove anything that stood between us, even our guilty conscience. Thank You for making a way for us to enjoy an unencumbered relationship with You. 

Because of Jesus, the Father’s love can now reach you, touch you, and move you toward your God-given destiny that is filled with goodness and joy. There is no force field or deflector shield that can act as an obstacle to His love and power. Fear may try to distract you and cast doubt on His love for you. But rest assured, His perfect love for you is eternal and provides unlimited protection and abundant grace.

**If you’ve never asked Jesus to come into your life, I encourage you to do so. His death was for you, so that you could choose to live in His Blessing. He’s waiting with open arms and an unfailing love.

There is no force field or deflector shield that can act as an obstacle to God's love and power. Share on X

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Practicing Gratitude Year-Round by Seeing the Good

Practicing gratitude can cause a sizable and positive shift in how you view life. The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, better health, a higher sense of well-being, and even a faster rate of recovery from surgery.

While we may acknowledge gratitude’s many benefits, it still can be difficult to sustain. It’s more “natural” for us to notice the negative and not the positive. We tend to focus on what is broken, undone or lacking in our lives. And for gratitude to meet its full healing potential in our lives, it should be more than a word we speak about every Thanksgiving season. We have to learn a new way of looking at things, a new habit of seeing the good on purpose. And that can take some time…and practice.


Practicing Gratitude by Thanking God

That’s why practicing gratitude makes so much sense. When we practice giving thanks for all we have, instead of complaining about what we lack, we give ourselves the chance to see all of life as an opportunity and a blessing.

Remember that gratitude isn’t a blindly optimistic approach in which the bad things in life are ignored. It’s more a matter of where we put our focus and attention. Pain and injustice exist in this world, but when we focus on the gifts of life, we gain a feeling of well-being. We develop an attitude of gratitude. Gratitude balances us and gives us hope. Gratitude helps us to see the love of God being expressed in so many ways in our lives.

Some of the things I’m grateful for today: family, God’s promises of good health, clean water, my body and mind working well, friends who listen and really care, chocolate, fresh food, the ability to touch YOUR life through my writing, spring weather, butterflies, and so much more!

What’s on your list?

Tell me one thing you’re grateful for today! 🙂

Gratitude balances us and gives us hope. Gratitude helps us to see the love of God being expressed in so many ways in our lives. Share on X

God Says You Are Healed

No matter the cause or severity of the infertility or other illness you may be experiencing right now, God says you are healed.

There are numerous scriptures that proclaim your right to healing and health (I’ll share a few below). As a believer in Jesus, you have access to that right. He paid the price for you so that you can enjoy life in its fullness.

The Bible is full of God’s promises of healing. But do you say the same things that God has said about your fertility/health? He wants you to live healed, restored, and full of peace in your body and mind. And your words should align with His.

God Says You Are Healed

God says - good grammar - words of life

Here are a few verses supporting the statement, “God says you are healed”:

Exodus 15:26 NET – I, the LORD, am your healer.

Psalm 107:20 NET – He sent them an assuring word and healed them; he rescued them from the pits where they were trapped.

Proverbs 4:20-22 NET – My child, pay attention to my words; listen attentively to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your sight, guard them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and healing to one’s entire body.

2 Corinthians 4:11 NET – So that the life of Jesus may also be made visible in our mortal body.

1 Peter 2:24 NET –  By his wounds you were healed.

What You Say

So, let’s take a moment to look inside at your thoughts and emotions. What do you believe about your fertility/health? What you believe will eventually become what you say. Use the above scriptures as tools to strengthen your belief system by reading them out loud to yourself on a daily basis. Why? Because faith is increased by repeatedly hearing what the word of God says (Romans 10:17).

Do your everyday conversations work to support what God has said or do they counteract His promises? If you find this challenging, let me know how I can help (in the comments section below).

No matter the cause of the infertility or other illness you may be experiencing right now, God says you are healed. Share on X
silence of lambs

The Silence of Lambs Keeps the Door Open to the Enemy

How can the silence of lambs be detrimental to them? When sheep are being attacked, they will make noise to let the other sheep (and the shepherd) know that they are in trouble. If they fail to scream, other sheep can come under attack and the shepherd won’t be aware of the danger the sheep is facing.

Jesus said that He is the Good Shepherd and called believers His sheep (John 10:11, 14). He likened Himself to a shepherd saying that He would go after the one that has strayed off and gotten in trouble. Matthew 18:12 AMP reminds us of how much Jesus cares for each one of us:

What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray and gets lost, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountain and go in search of the one that is lost?

It behooves us to remind ourselves of His love and how much He cares. When we are silent lambs, we tend to forget about the amazing ways that He shows up in our lives.

Jesus set the example of not being silent in the midst of trouble, temptation, and struggle. When He was questioned by Satan with words that could fill Him with doubt, Jesus didn’t stay silent…He spoke up! He told His enemy — our enemy — what His Father had already said through the Scriptures (Matthew 4:1-11). That’s the example that we are to follow.

Jesus set the example of not being silent in the midst of trouble, temptation, and struggle. When He was questioned by Satan with words that could fill Him with doubt, Jesus didn't stay silent. He spoke up to His enemy -- our enemy.… Share on X

Speak the Word

Don’t be a Silent Lamb…Speak God’s Promises

When faced with infertility’s opportunities to doubt God’s promises of fertility, we need to speak up! Speak the specific Word of God to your enemy about your fertility! When faced with a health challenge, speak God’s promises of health. If faced with a financial challenge, speak God’s promises of provision. Facing a relationship challenge? Speak God’s promises of loving connection. God has spoken about everything that we face in life and has equipped us well through His Word (2 Peter 1:3). It’s there in the Scriptures. Find what relates to your circumstances and then use it.

In a way, our silence is a means for the devil to keep that door of doubt wide open. Don’t give him that opportunity! Use the Word of God by SPEAKING His Word consistently to remove doubt, to strengthen your faith, and to close the door to the enemy.

God supports you in the midst of your challenges because once you have asked Jesus to be your Savior, He is always right there with you. It’s up to you to not be silent about His presence, His promises, and His power.

So, let this be the last day of your silence!

Our Borrowed Hope Book Signing Party Was a Hit!

This past Saturday, my co-author Angela Williams and I held our official book signing party for our book, Borrowed Hope: Sarah’s Story. It was so much fun! The audience was packed. The usher (my husband , Freeman ♥♥ ) had to bring out additional chairs. It warmed my heart to see the support from our community.  I’m including pictures to give you a sense of how God favored us throughout the day.

Our mutual friend Inez Browning, who is also an infertility overcomer, served as the emcee. Before the party started (at my church), Inez pulled us to a small room and prayed for us, the book, and the event. All along this writing journey, our prayer has been that God would be glorified in the book and in all that we do in connection with it.

BH book signing - prayer circle


It pays to have talented friends! My sister-friend Maria Mwangi set up the decorations on the stage. I know she loves me because she had to go up and down a ladder multiple times to get all the pieces of fabric hung from the ceiling just right. 🙂


More Friends & Family at the BH Book Signing Party

Our daughters also participated in the event. They brought ministry in the Arts for our guests. My daughter, Simone, danced beautifully to “You Made A Way” by Travis Greene. Angela’s daughter, Lauren, sang “Take Courage,” a song that really drives the point home that God is in the waiting.


Lauren and Simone @ BH


La’Vista Jones shared her testimony. She is the “Modern-day Infertility Overcomer” featured in Borrowed Hope (page 95). She was so encouraging!

Nine other local authors (two were men!) were our guests at “vendor tables.” The audience saw their books as well as ours. It was our way of encouraging the authors and paying it forward.

Volunteers helped us get everything done. We were able to concentrate on delivering hope to our audience. I’m thankful that they all chose to say, “YES!” They assisted us with praying as we planned the event. Audio/visual, sales at the book table, cleaning, setting up the chairs, replenishing the refreshments, etc. were all done by volunteers.


This was a wonderful celebration and we’re grateful for all who came to support us.

Now we’re looking forward to starting to write the next book in the Borrowed Hope series–Rebekah’s Story!

An Eye-Opener for Me and a Pledge to You

Well, last night was an eye-opener for me. I was with a small group of ladies, talking about my desires for my coaching business in 2019. Little did I know how the conversation would turn.

As I talked about my fears of finally stepping into what I know God is asking me to do…stepping into fertility coaching fully…I expressed how I thought I might not be relevant to younger women who are of childbearing age. But one of the ladies in the group, someone who I had not previously known, surprised me with her response. She shared that she had struggled with infertility for 10 years between her second child and her third child. Her mother was not alive during that time. She longed to speak to someone who had a mother’s heart. She had a real need to speak to someone who had experienced infertility and would share wisdom and encouragement with her from a biblical perspective.

Boy, was I convicted!

Now, I’ve decided that even though I may not be a marketing expert, even though I may not be savvy in using Instagram or other social media, I am putting myself out there. More than I have in the past.

Are You #TTC?

So to those of you who have known me through my blog, my books, or my fertility Facebook Groups, you will begin to see and hear more from me. And to those of you who will discover me in future posts, I pledge to do my best in making your season of infertility one that will not be filled with hopelessness.

If you are trying to conceive, I want to help you to develop and maintain a hope-filled focus so that you are confident in God’s promises of fertility!  

If you are #TTC, I want to help you develop and maintain a hope-filled focus so that you are confident in God's promises of #fertility! Share on X

Love is More Powerful than Hate!

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Martin Luther King Quote - Love

“Choose love everyday. It lightens the load you carry throughout life.”

– Evangeline Colbert

how you see yourself

How Do You See Yourself– As Victim or Victor?

Our circumstances can influence how we see ourselves…maybe we let them have too much influence. Often, we’re a beautiful swan but we think of ourselves as an ugly duckling.

So many times I’ve heard women say things about themselves that were self-denigrating. It’s a clear indicator of how they see themselves and what they believe about themselves (Matthew 12:34). However, it doesn’t align with how others see them. And it definitely doesn’t align with how God sees them.

“For whatever is in your heart determines what you say.”

How about you? Do you see yourself the way God sees you?

Do you see yourself as a victim of your circumstances or do you choose to take the viewpoint of a victor?

If you’re unsure, maybe these simple questions can help:

  • How well do I receive compliments?
  • What do I say about myself in my quiet thoughts?
  • How do I respond to negative thoughts that arise in my mind?

God values you and loves you immensely. He created you to live the life of a victor. That requires a thought-life that is intentionally positive. One that resists negativity and is full of gratitude. Out of love, Jesus came and gave His life for you so that you could enjoy life and live it in overflowing abundance (John 10:10-11).

So I ask again, do you see yourself the way God sees you? He sees you as a victor. If that’s not your self-vision, what’s holding you back from doing so?

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. 
I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.”

Is Infertility Too Hard or even Impossible for God to Rectify?

Do you know anyone who thinks that infertility is too hard for God to rectify? In both the New Testament and the Old, Scripture details that all things are possible. This should give us hope!

Luke 1:37- For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Genesis 18:14- Is anything too hard for the Lord?

Both of these verses are sandwiched in the accounts about women’s infertility–Sarah’s and Elizabeth’s. They both had been barren and God announced that barrenness would be rectified.

Sarah conceived and bore a son “at the set time” who would become the progenitor of the nation of Israel (Genesis 21:2).

Elizabeth conceived and bore a son who was the forerunner of Jesus.

Also, it’s important to note that the Bible’s first mention of healing is regarding infertility (Genesis 20:17-18).

Time after time, God used the setting/environment of infertility to establish the foundation of truth that all things are possible when you stand with Him. Jesus reinforced this truth for us in Mark 10:27.

“With men it is impossible but not with God: for with God all things are possible.”

Keep standing on God’s Word, believing that nothing is too hard for God, not even infertility!

Is your hope tank running a bit low?

Need some encouragement to get through the holidays?

Read my latest book, Borrowed Hope. It’s a unique presentation of Sarah’s story of triumph.

Take advantage of the Borrowed Hope Holiday Book Bundle now being offered and also receive the added encouragement of Scripture cards and a bookmark.

No Matter the Problem, God’s Answer for it is in His Word

God's answer is in the wordGod’s answer to any situation can always be found in His Word.

Do you find that hard to believe? Maybe you’re thinking, “How can an ancient book have the answer to all modern-day problems?” Here’s proof.

I once heard Dr. Bill Winston tell the story of how he had been trying to get an airplane for his growing worldwide ministry.

He had prayed about getting to all the places God was taking him to in a more timely fashion than having to adhere to restrictive commercial airline schedules. He knew that he had the green light from God to pursue a plane for the ministry but nothing seemed to be happening to bring that desire to pass. His prayer practice was to pray Scripture. He knew the word “airplane” was not in the Bible so he didn’t have a specific scripture to stand on. It was beginning to be difficult to have confidence that he had clearly heard from God. But God was giving little nudges as time passed, letting Dr. Winston know that a plane was in his future. One of those nudges included an elderly lady bringing a small airplane part to him! 🙂

God’s Answer

One day during a service at his church, a pastor from a country in Africa was the guest speaker. Right in the middle of the sermon, this pastor took a step back, turned to look at Dr. Winston, and said to him, “Your airplane is in Ecclesiastes 10:20.” He then turned back around and resumed preaching without hesitation or explanation. Dr Winston picked up his Bible and feverishly searched for that passage. He read:

“for a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter.

This was the promise Dr. Winston needed so he could continue to stand in faith for his airplane (bird)! The scripture even pointed to the purpose of the plane…to carry his voice around the world! He continued to believe for the plane until it manifested.

The Power of the Word

Follow Dr. Winston’s example and find a scripture(s) that specifically relates to your circumstances. Stand on that Word. Express gratitude for that Word and the thing it will bring into your life. Choose to praise God in advance of seeing that thing come to pass.

Don’t give up on what God has promised!

God's answer to any situation can always be found in His Word. Share on X