Author: Evangeline

victory over infertility -breakthrough - sticky note

My Story of Victory Over Infertility – Part 2

I’m so glad I didn’t give up or give in to the doubts and fears that bombarded me during the season of infertility. You can read more about that in part 1 of my story of victory over infertility. I had friends who I trusted to give me solid and godly  advice during that season. One friend shared that I should read the accounts in the Bible of women who had overcome infertility. These were real-life stories of victory that I could hold on to, trusting that if God did it for them, He would do it for me. He would be true to His word and keep His promises of fertility. I kept a journal during this time to record my thoughts and prayers, Scripture, and experiences.

Make sure you read my related (exciting) announcement at the end of this blog post!

My Story Continues…

After five days of not having a period in November of 1987, I did a home pregnancy test and the test stick turned blue— its result was positive! I could hardly believe it. After all that time of “trying,” after all the failed attempts and negative test results, I was finally pregnant! Once it actually happened, it did not seem real. But Freeman and I celebrated (very calmly). That following Saturday, we were to play in a volleyball game with some church members. I chose to not play. I did not want to take any chances of falling or someone bumping into me.

After the game, I got a phone call from a close friend wondering what was going on since I didn’t play. We told her the good news and swore her to secrecy. 🙂  I couldn’t allow myself to completely trust the test result until I could confirm it with a test at the doctor’s office. I went in, having already told myself not to be too disappointed if it produced a negative result. The fear was real!

Finally Pregnant!

As I sat nervously in the examination room, the nurse came in and said with a big grin, “You’re pregnant!” All the nurses in the office were so happy. They had seen me go through many pregnancy tests that turned out negative. Even my doctor was surprised that it finally happened! I was to meet Freeman for lunch that day and I could hardly wait to give him the good news. After we finished eating, I showed him the test results and congratulated him for officially being a daddy. He cried! It was a precious moment.

Just a week later, I experienced some spotting—small amounts of vaginal bleeding. Of course my first thought was, “Am I going to lose the baby?” Yes, even though I had experienced victory over infertility and had finally gotten pregnant, there was still fear of an attack from the devil on my body and now, also on my baby’s life.
I had to choose whether to give in to the fear or trust God. It was my choice as to whether to accept the fearful thoughts, to cast them down, or just ignore them. I certainly did not want to give in and live with fearful thoughts. Ignoring them would have left them harboring in the recesses of my mind and having a place to silently grow into even larger, more fearful thoughts. I had to cast them down by re-directing my thoughts to God’s love and the power of His Word.

Jesus ALREADY Did It

As the spotting continued during the next several weeks, I wrote in my journal that I had to remind myself of Colossians 2:15—“Jesus spoiled principalities and made a show of them openly”. He did that for me and for my baby growing inside of me. I had to trust that this baby would make it through a full term pregnancy. Thankfully, we also had prayer support from many people which boosted our trust in God over the next few months as the spotting continued and even some cramping began.

But God was faithful to His Word that Jesus had given us victory over infertility and childlessness! My pregnancy proceeded successfully. Our precious baby boy was born in June 1988, completely healthy and handsome.

#ttc- I had to remind myself of Colossians 2:15---“Jesus spoiled principalities and made a show of them openly”. He did that for me AND for my baby growing inside of me. Share on X

In time, God added to our family. He blessed us with a healthy and handsome son two years later. We were blessed with a healthy and beautiful daughter four years later. Those pregnancies occurred as soon as we started “trying” and both progressed smoothly.

God is your source of breakthrough. He can truly make a way when there seems to be no way.

Victory over infertility is indeed possible!


Fear, worry, and doubt have an insidious way of creeping into our minds and hearts as we navigate pregnancy after experiencing infertility, miscarriage, or infant loss. That’s why I have co-authored a new book, Conceived by Grace: A No-Fear Pregnancy Journal, with a friend who experienced multiple miscarriages. We know from experience that focusing on God’s love and power is a game-changer.

We’re excited about providing this pregnancy journal so that you keep your focus on the truth of God’s Word during pregnancy. You can record your thoughts, prayers, and experiences, read Words of Wisdom, and rely on scriptures provided to empower you. It’s coming in early 2020 so that you can be encouraged to expect victory throughout your entire pregnancy.

Fill out the form below for more info about how you can get Conceived by Grace!

overcoming infertility

My Story of Victory Over Infertility – Part 1

Since I started coaching women about how to enhance their fertility, many of them have shared with me that hearing the stories of women who have overcome infertility markedly increases their hope. Today, I’d like to share my story.

My Story of Victory over Infertility

I struggled with “unknown factors” of infertility. I was in my late 20’s when we started “trying” so my age really wasn’t a factor. There was never a firm diagnosis that specifically confirmed why I was not getting pregnant. I did however have a gynecologist tell me that I may never get pregnant. That was devastating news.

As a woman, I felt inadequate. I couldn’t do the ONE thing that women can do that men can’t—get pregnant. At times, I felt as if people pitied me, even though they did not. Sometimes I felt like an outcast, even though my friends welcomed me in their activities. But that was the painful part.

Having reached the age where all my close friends had children meant being around their kids whenever I attended any of their activities. I loved their children and had fun with them. But I felt out of place not having a child of my own playing along with all the others. I remember trying to convince myself that it was OK…but it wasn’t! It hurt!

I went through a battery of tests to determine why I was not getting pregnant. None of the tests produced conclusive results. I did have fibroids and as a result, had very heavy periods. There were also D&C surgeries and infections to live through. Going through the journey of infertility and all that comes along with it was not what I had signed up for in my “perfect” life.

I Couldn’t Give Up or Give In

But I decided that it was not going to give authority to infertility and allow it to be a source of depression nor a reason to become a hermit. I would choose to enjoy life as it came and to do whatever it took to make the best of each day.

Doctor’s reports were a source of frustration but God’s report in the Bible was my source of hope. Choosing to stand on God’s Word was an easy choice; actually doing it was not. It was a battle against my will, which wanted to do the easy thing and give up.

Making a stand for anything requires that you fight back against numerous attacks, not just one. I had to do just that- –fight against numerous thoughts that were fearful, doubtful, and shame-filled everyday. Yes, I was ashamed that I could not get pregnant. No one else made me feel that way. It was self-inflicted.

#ttc - I was ashamed that I could not get pregnant. No one else made me feel that way. It was self-inflicted. Share on X

Isn’t it amazing what our own mind can do to inflict emotional pain on ourselves? The Word of God was my way out of that inner turmoil. I decided to keep “trying” no matter how long it took and watch God work it out.

Thankfully, God gave me wisdom through various friends and family members. They each encouraged me to keep my hope high and to not give in to the fear of never having children.

For the rest of the story, read Part 2 of my story of victory over infertility. 🙂

God Sent His Word to Heal and Set You Free

What is it that will heal us in every situation? God’s Word. That’s why He sent it!

What may be a very familiar verse in Psalm 107 is one which is filled with powerful promise:

He sent His Word and healed them and saved them from their destructions. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for mankind. – Psalm 107:20

God spoke the word that healed you. By the power of His word, you were healed.

You may be thinking or saying, “But my body doesn’t act like it’s healed. I’m still not pregnant.”

I want to encourage you to do what Jesus did when He was presented with thoughts that Satan presented to Him. Jesus met every satanic challenge by responding, “It is written…” He would quote a verse that God had sent through His prophets and kings. He would say what God had said. His response to the challenges was always something that had been recorded in those Jewish writings. The Scriptures always related to what He was facing.

God's Word Heals and Sets Free


God’s Promises

Today, we have the entire Bible at our disposal so that we know what Jesus said and did. So when you’re faced with a thought that is contrary to one of God’s promises, let your response be what God has said.  Find a verse in God’s Word that specifically relates to the situation you’re facing. And then SAY it. And say it again. Keep hearing yourself say it so that you build your confidence in what God has said.


Because the more you hear it from your own mouth, the more it saturates your spirit. And the more you saturate your spirit with God’s words, the stronger your faith becomes. Then you’re able to on keep trusting that God’s promise is true for YOU. You’re able to rest in knowing that promise until you see it manifested.

So follow Jesus’ example by speaking Scripture to your challenge.  THIS IS HOW WE ARE TO LIVE!

People do not live by bread alone; rather, we live by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. Deuteronomy 8:3 NLT

Jesus even repeated this particular Scripture verse in His teaching (Matthew 4:4).

So take the time to find what is written in the Bible about your fertility. God’s word of grace is able to build you up and help you possess what Jesus died for you to receive– healing and freedom.

Tell me in the comments below: What’s a Scripture verse that resonates most with you about God’s faithfulness or about your fertility?



Fertility Hope Huddle - FHH

Keep Your Fertility Hope High: Join the Fertility Hope Huddle

It’s never too late to do something to enhance your fertility journey. That’s especially true when it means addressing the spiritual aspect of infertility. If you’re not addressing this, you might be missing the most crucial piece of the puzzle when it comes to enhancing your fertility.

No matter how long you’ve been trying to conceive, it’s critical to consistently focus on the spiritual aspect of infertility. The Fertility Hope Huddle is my new Bible-based group coaching program that will help you do that. As a Certified Professional Coach and overcomer of infertility I’m excited to help you!

Fertility Coaching

Maybe you are stressed-out, worried, or fearful that you may be too old as you are trying to conceive.

Or perhaps you have trouble believing that  conception and childbirth are still possible for you.

Or maybe you’re tired of hoping.

If any of these describe how you’re feeling right now then being a member of this very affordable 8-week group program can help.

The Fertility Hope Huddle, an online fertility coaching program, is based on effectively using the power of God’s promises of fertility. This is where you can develop a resilient and fertile mindset. A peaceful mindset that focuses on possibilities instead of diagnoses and obstacles. You’ll banish stress, doubt, and unbelief. And you’ll discover and use the power that is built into God’s promises of fertility, which are found in the Bible. 

You can tap into my personal guidance in this group setting where you’ll receive strategic tools to help you more fully and confidently enhance your fertility.

If you’ve been trying to conceive for a long time, don’t lose hope! Get a tight grip on God’s promises of fertility and don’t let go. Remember, WITH God, all things are possible! 

Joining the Fertility Hope Huddle could prove to be the best thing you do to enhance your fertility journey. It starts Monday, October 28, 2019. Check out all the details of how you can benefit from being a member HERE.

Please join us!  🙂

Tip for Maintaining a Strong Marriage While Dealing with Infertility

marriageMaintaining a strong marriage can be difficult while dealing with infertility. There are multiple struggles while on so many levels because infertility has a way of infiltrating every aspect of life, usually with a heightened degree of negativity. Unfortunately, a significant number of couples decide to divorce due the stress put upon them by the challenges of trying to conceive. Fundamentally, the cause of divorce is an attachment to false beliefs, concepts or ideas.

Today, I want to share a tip that hopefully you’ll find helpful in strengthening your marriage during this season of infertility.

Marriage Tip

Why do most people get a divorce? Because they blame the other partner for making them unhappy or miserable.  Blame, shame, and self-justification become the rule of the day instead of love, encouragement, selflessness, and forgiveness.  The way to emerge from the unhappiness caused by those negative beliefs is to come into agreement that the Lord will be the Head of the marriage and that divorce is not an option. Once that you make that determination, here’s  an important decision to make:

Decide that your spouse is not your enemy.

Even though your spouse may not fully grasp the depth of the pain you’re experiencing, he/she is in a covenant relationship with you and should be trusted, respected, and loved. When emotions are on “tilt,” they have a tendency to muddy the waters when it comes to decision making. Both of you are on the same team and need to fight as one strong unit. Make unity in Christ the priority for your marriage. That step of intentionality makes it much easier to weather the storm of infertility.

Maintaining a strong marriage can be difficult while dealing with infertility. Here's a tip that will help...Decide that your spouse is not your enemy. Share on X

Staying Inside of God’s Circle of Blessing

Do you sometimes feel that going through infertility is like experiencing famine in the land? Today, I’m sharing an excerpt from my devotional, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertilitythat addresses that issue.

This devotion is entitled “God’s Circle of Blessing“–

circle of blessingThe Living Bible Translation of Psalm 25:13 says, “He shall live within God’s circle of blessing, and his children shall inherit the earth.” To whom is this passage referring? The previous verse tells us…the person who reverences God.

Living in God’s circle of blessing enables us to enjoy the best in life even when circumstances around us tell, and sometimes yell, otherwise. Isaac, Abraham’s son, was a great example of living in the circle of blessing. The Bible’s account in Genesis 26:1-13 tells how there was a famine in the country where Isaac lived and he wondered if he should leave like so many others and go to Egypt where there was no famine.

God told Isaac to stay and that He would be with him in his obedience. God promised him increase in all areas of life, including children. So in the midst of his country’s famine, despair, lack, and death, Isaac was blessed with extreme abundance because he stayed where God wanted him—in His circle of blessing. Infertility is like a famine—extreme hunger and despair—except it’s for a child. Just as Isaac experienced great bounty in the midst of famine, so can you, when you choose to remain in God’s circle of blessing even as your circumstances scream “famine.”

How to Stay in the Circle of Blessing

You can live in God’s circle of blessing by keeping the ears of your heart open to His Word. Hear Him as He speaks to you through it. Receive the Word by faith, as personal promises from God to you. Receive His wonderful blessings by saying “thank you” to Him for the promises you find in his Word for your child. Repeatedly speak His Word, His Truth, over your life. When we speak the Word, we’re in agreement with God. Receive His blessings by living in His Word and resting in His grace.

No matter what the doctor’s reports say, you don’t have to be stuck in the famine of infertility. Declare that you live in God’s circle of blessing because famine can’t exist there. Jesus is God of abundant joy! Nothing is too hard for Him to change; therefore He can change your circumstance of infertility. His Truth, His Word, can bring extreme abundance in its most wonderful form—the blessing of a child.

Speak the Word: I choose to stay in God’s circle of blessing.  He is my source of everything good.

More Encouragement: Galatians 3:14; Hebrews 6:14

If you’d like to have more devotions like this at your fingertips, so that you can encourage yourself on a daily basis,

click here to order A Seed of Hope.

A Seed of hope

Take Time to Insert Positivity into Your Day

Infertility stressed me out when I dealt with it. Some days there seemed to be no positivity in my thoughts or my words. Are you experiencing the same thing? The absolute best thing I can offer you during the stressful season of infertility is God’s Word. It really is the ultimate source of peace, comfort, guidance, and positivity that you’re looking for. You’re not alone! God hears you. His heart aches when you feel like you don’t hear Him. He’s right there in His Word. All the answers you’re looking for are there.

Are you willing to commit to look for them and then use them?

positivityTake time to insert some positivity into you day–every day. Start by printing this blog post and reading the scriptures below out loud many times each day. Add to them as you look for and find other Scripture verses that apply to your situation.

Positivity from Scripture

“Rather, it was simply that the LORD loves you, and he was keeping the oath he had sworn.” – Deuteronomy 7:8

“I am in them and You are in me… You love them as much as You love me.” – John 17:23

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.” – Matthew 19:26

“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, all whose thoughts are fixed on You!” – Isaiah 26:3

“LORD, sustain me as you promised, that I may live! Do not let my hope be crushed.” – Psalm 119:116

“That is what the Scriptures mean when God told him, “I have made you the father of many nations.” This happened because Abraham believed in the God who brings the dead back to life and who creates new things out of nothing.” – Romans 4:17

“Praise the LORD who has given rest to His people… just as He promised. Not one word has failed of all His wonderful promises.” – 1 Kings 8:56

“Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise Him again–my Savior and my God!” – Psalm 42:11

“He will love you and bless you, and He will give you many children.” – Deuteronomy 7:13

“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” – James 1:5

“It was by faith that even Sarah was able to have a child, though she was barren and was too old. She believed that God would keep his promise. – Hebrews 11:11

Stay in God’s Word and I know that you’ll begin to experience the lifting and the peace that you’re craving for.

When will you insert positivity into your day? Set an appointment with yourself to do it and then follow through.

Living with an Attitude of Gratitude is a Choice

Gratitude by Ziglar

I’m choosing to be grateful for what I have, do, and experience. Years ago, I developed the habit of writing what I was grateful for at the end of each day. You can use this “tool” too! Every night before getting in the bed, I made a quick note about what I was grateful for that day. I made it easy on myself: I wrote 4 simple things that I possessed, did, or experienced that day. Of course, once I got going, I would think of more than 4 things but I limited it to 4 so I wouldn’t feel overwhelmed the next day to come up with a lot of things to be grateful for. But then I stopped doing it…

Even though I still  verbally express my thankfulness, I’ve decided I need to get back on the wagon and refresh that habit of writing things down.

Gratitude is a Choice in the Midst of Negativity

With each expression of gratitude, you acknowledge the good, the favor, and the sweet harmony in your life. The more you give thanks, the more your awareness shifts from the negative to all the positive experiences you have. Using thankful language regularly redirects your focus to His love for you and away from any pain and lack. Expressing gratitude can give you hope!

Thankfulness is a way to kindle the flame of your faith. As the intensity of your faith grows, you find yourself more and more in line with God’s plan of abundance in your life. Keep fanning the flames of your faith by expressing your thankfulness!

Living with an attitude of gratitude is a choice. And if, as Zig Ziglar stated, gratitude brings more to be grateful for, then I’m all in! I choose to be grateful. I expect an abundance of  good things to come my way that will reinforce and grow this attitude so I can constantly be grateful, even in the midst of negativity.

What thing(s) do you do to remind yourself that, in spite of your circumstances, you have much to be grateful for?

Using thankful language regularly redirects your focus to His love for you and away from any pain and lack. Share on X

A 5-Day Challenge to Enhance Your Fertility Journey

5 day fertility challenge
I am providing a FREE 5-day challenge in the A Seed of Hope Fertility Group on Facebook. The daily activities of the Enhance Your Fertility Journey…God’s Way Challenge will help you experience more freedom from the lies, stress, and anxiety of infertility. Each day, you’ll walk in God’s truth—His promises of fertility.
The Challenge starts Monday, 9/9/19, and will be provided via email so it’s important that you register. You can register for the challenge at

Here are the top 4 reasons you don’t want to miss it:

  1. The strategies I’ll share each day will give you a major advantage in how you deal with infertility.
  2. You’ll be encouraged and connect with other like-minded women who are also enduring fertility struggles.
  3. Prizes will be given out!
  4. It’s FREE!

This simple and easy 5-day challenge could be the tipping point for you regarding your fertility.

Also, request to join the Facebook group so that you can participate in the prize drawings and see any pop-up FB Live videos I might do during the week.
Join in and enhance your fertility journey!