Author: Evangeline

Focus Friday-Inseparable from His Love

Focus on this scripture of love throughout the day.

It’s God’s Word about Jesus’  love for us. It’s what He desires us to believe. Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth.

Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day. Personalize it by putting your name in it!

Inseparable Rom 8-35-37


Hope is a Renewable Resource!



Renewable resource– it’s a term we hear often now that our environment  struggles to keep up with all that’s being consumed around the world. It is typically a source of power and is sustainable in its application. A renewable resource is a resource which can replenish with the passage of time.  Renewable resources are any type of resource that can be regenerated at a rate that is at least equal to the speed with which humanity can consume that resource” (Source: 

Hope is a renewable resource for your soul. Are you a consumer of hope? It is renewable, sustainable (because of Jesus), and filled with power. No matter how quickly you consume it, there is always a fresh supply to tap into. It will never run out! Everyday, we have the opportunity to live with an even greater hope-filled focus in life because of the unending supply of hope given to us in the promises of God.

What is hope?

It is the confident expectation of good. You can have confidence that good things are coming your way when you trust in God’s promises as your personal truth.

The Bible tells us that hope is eternal, it is unending and unfailing. Its power is always readily available to be tapped into and harnessed.

Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love.” ~ 1 Corinthians 13:13 NLT

“And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.” ~Romans 5:5 NLT

How can we get hope, increase it, or renew it?

We get hope by using the Word of God as our supplier of it. God’s Word is Truth. The Truth is given to us so that we may overflow with hope!

“Your promises are my only source of hope.” Psalm 119:114 TLB

“And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.” ~ Romans 15:4 NLT

Even in the midst of infertility and other struggles in life, it is possible, no, imperative to have hope. Without it, how can you look forward to a future filled with joy, peace, and the gifts of favor that God desires to give you?

Need help?

Be sure to get a copy of my FREE tips sheet, “How to Have Hope in Hard Places.” Request it in the blue box to the right of this page. 

Focus Friday-Believe

Focus on this scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe.

Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth.

Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day.

Personalize it by putting your name in it!

Evangeline Colbert Focus Friday Affirmation

Guest Blogging Today

I’m honored to be a guest blogger at today.

Come check out my post that I shared with Elisha Kearns’ readers!


Baby Bird logo

Expect the Unexpected!

I recently received an email from a reader of my book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility. She gave me a bit of exciting news.

She’s pregnant! YEA!!!

What Should I Expect?

I’ve been sharing my thoughts through this blog for 3 years and I’m still surprised when I get a note like hers.

But why am I surprised? Shouldn’t I EXPECT to receive news like that on a regular basis? If I’m praying that someone receive the gift of a child from God, shouldn’t I expect that it will happen? Should I anticipate and look for it to happen?

According to 2 Corinthians 5:21, I should.

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.”

2 Corinthians 1:20 NIV

God’s answers to His promises are a  resounding “YES” in Christ because Jesus has done absolutely everything for us to be able to receive the promise. He has made us righteous so we can stand before the Father with no shame and no self-condemnation, having only an expectation of good. He took every punishment that was meant to come our way so that we could take every blessing that was meant to come His way. He did it all because He valued us above His own life.

Jesus did everything it takes for us to experience and enjoy every promise the Father made. That’s why we can confidently expect good gifts and perfect gifts to come our way as we put our faith in His promises.


What are you praying for today? If it’s based on the promises of God, are you EXPECTING it to happen?



Image courtesy of

Monday’s Marinade – A Word for Your Nation

Monday’s Marinade is provided to you as a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week.

Today’s scripture is provided in light of celebrating America’s birthday last week. No matter where on the earth you live, you can pray for you nation. Marinate your nation with a Word-based prayer each day and live with a hope-filled focus.

Start your week by meditating on this Word for your nation and expect good things to happen!

Monday's Marinade for your nation

Focus Friday – Happy Birthday America!

Today, we in America celebrate our nation’s birth.

Let’s remember Jesus desires to do good things for our country.

When we acknowledge Jesus and His Word, His blessings become our nation’s strong foundation.

When our country is blessed, we are able to help other nations and to enjoy a hope-filled future. 

 Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day on behalf of America.

Pray that she will be a nation truly “under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL.”

Focus Friday - Happy Birthday America

You Should’ve Been Here at the iHope Fertility Retreat!

iHope fertility retreat themeI recently hosted and facilitated a retreat to help women who are struggling with infertility. The iHope Fertility Retreat helped women attending from across the country to:

  • Pull away from the daily stress of infertility and hear what God has to say about infertility. 
iHope Fertility Retreat workshop booklets
iHope Fertility Retreat workshop booklets
  • Spend a weekend of R&R—Resting and Receiving.
iHope Fertility Retreat 2014
iHope Fertility Retreat – Times of Rest and Relaxation
  • Enjoy a time of fun, pampering and recreation– Pajama Party, Pedicure, Swimming, Nature Walk. 
iHope Fertility Retreat Nature Walk
iHope Fertility Retreat Early Morning Nature Walk at South Mountain
  • Address the spiritual aspect of infertility and get new Word-based tools to help maintain hope.
iHope Fertility Retreat Shower Power
iHope Fertility Retreat Shower Power
  • Receive prayer and encouragement for overcoming infertility.
iHope Fertility Retreat balloon release
iHope Fertility Retreat balloon release

Workshops at the iHope Fertility Retreat were based on the content of my book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility. We discussed many topics that helped with increasing trust in God such as God’s lavish and unending love and  His faithfulness to always follow through on His promises. The weekend was filled with revelation and spiritual growth as we held open and honest discussions centered on God’s promise.

In addition to hearing my personal story of victory over infertility, attendees were empowered through video testimonies of other women who have overcome infertility. Guest speakers provided encouragement and fun insights. Activities and props enhanced the lessons learned in the workshop sessions.

A personal chef provided delicious and nutritious meals that incorporated natural, “good for you” foods because the goal was to feed the women “as if they were pregnant.”

iHope Fertility Retreat Meals 2iHope Fertility Retreat Meals

The iHope Fertility Retreat provided an environment to recharge each woman’s spirit by tapping into what God says about infertility in the Bible. Learning how to increasingly trust God’s love and believe His fertility promises in the Bible helped the women to experience enhanced peace.

I was excited to share spiritual strategies and solutions that specifically related to infertility and empowered women to leave with a more hope-filled focus for having a child!

If someone you know is struggling with infertility, invite them to contact me about the next iHope Fertility Retreat, which will be held in Fall 2014.


Focus Friday


Focus on this scripture throughout the day. It’s God’s Word and it’s what He desires us to believe.

Believe it is true for you because God’s Word is Truth.

Use it as an affirmation. Speak this Word to yourself throughout the day.

Personalize it by putting your name in it!

Focus Friday - Hope

Trust or Doubt?

TRUST. It’s something with which we all have issues.

Here are my notes from my time with God this morning. I hope you find them encouraging!

Doubt is the consequence of distance.

Doubt arises and increases when we have distanced ourselves from the Word. [Remember, Jesus IS the Word.]

Doubt infiltrates our mind and circumstances. It reduces our trust in God because we’ve been distracted from His promises.

Doubt is our automatic response when we don’t look to Jesus’ love for us.


Trust is the consequence of closeness.

Trust is the result of increasingly drawing nearer to God through His Word.

Trust infiltrates our mind and our circumstances. It erases doubt when we focus on Jesus, and are consistent in verbally  affirming God’s promises.

Trust is our automatic response when we continue looking to Jesus in the Word and acknowledging His love for us.


What do you do to be more aware of God’s love for you? Please share your ideas/strategies below.


Trust in God
Tulip photo courtesy of Fotolia