Author: Evangeline

3 Things to Do About Perpetual Pain

PainThe pain of infertility can be excruciating. As I stated in my book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility, I found the pain of infertility to be worse than the pain of birthing a long-awaited baby via vaginal delivery! For some of you, infertility seems to be perpetual. It’s something you’ve lived with for so long and you don’t see the end in sight. The pain of it never fully goes away and is influenced by what (babies) and who (pregnant friends) you see daily. Well, I want to encourage you with something that you may not have considered before.

Yesterday, during my morning quiet time, I was looking for a scripture about healing and came across Jeremiah 15:15-20. This passage turned my quiet time an eye-opening and exciting experience in the Word! The scripture is not one that directly addresses infertility but it definitely can be applied to it. That’s what I love about God’s Word– it is so organic, malleable, and powerful. It’s able to bring LIFE to any situation we’re facing.

In this passage, Jeremiah is complaining to God about how long he has had to face an enemy, seemingly without any help from God. He even accuses God of failing him in his time of need. Sound familiar? But guess what God’s response was to Jeremiah… “Trust Me.” I know that seems like such an extraneous instruction, one that we hear often, especially when we don’t understand what God is doing. But trusting His faithfulness is the golden ticket to what ever we need from Him. No effort is required on our part. He simply wants us to trust that He loves us and will deliver us.

This particular passage of Scripture is best digested as a combination of various translations. Below, I’ve paraphrased the verses from a few different Bible versions. I hope they open your eyes to what God  has to say about perpetual pain in our lives.

[Jeremiah says] You know where I am, God! You know, understand, and care for me. Remember what I’m doing here! Visit me and avenge me. Take my side against this enemy of mine. Don’t stand back while it ruins me. Just look at the abuse I’m taking! Don’t let my joy slip away while I wait on You.

When I found Your words, I devoured them. Your words made me glad. Your words are what sustain me; they are food to my hungry soul. They bring joy to my sorrowing heart and delight me. How proud I am to bear your name, O Lord. 

Yet, You have failed me in my time of need! You have let this issue continue far too long. Why is my pain perpetual and my wound incurable, refusing to be healed? Will this never stop hurting me? You are like a deceitful brook, like waters that fail and are uncertain. Your help seems like a seasonal mountain brook—sometimes a flood, sometimes as dry as a bone.  

The Lord replied:

“Stop this foolishness and talk some sense! Return to trusting Me. If you return and give up this mistaken tone of distrust and despair, then I will give you again a settled place of quiet and safety. And if you cleanse your own heart from unworthy and unwarranted suspicions concerning My faithfulness, I will make you like a fortified, bronze wall— strong and impenetrable by troubles. Speak worthy, not worthless, words! You are to influence those troubles by speaking to them; by speaking what I have said.  Do not remain silent and thereby let troubles influence you. They will fight against you, but they will not prevail over you, for I am with you to save and deliver you.”

[Paraphrased from Message, Amplified, Living, and NIV Bibles]

Here are three things that I gleaned from this passage that you can implement in dealing with perpetual pain:

  1. Make a decision to trust God, no matter what. Get rid of the attitudes and words of distrust and despair. (Philippians 4:6-8)
  2. Determine to view God as always being faithful. As a friend once told me, being faithful means you always say “Yes.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
  3. Choose to ensure your conversations with others reflect what God has said about your deliverance. Speak worthy, not worthless, words! (Proverbs 4:20-22)

Now that you’ve read how God corrected and encouraged Jeremiah about his pain (and gave him hope!), what will you do to address the pain you’re experiencing today? I’d love to hear from you. Leave me a note about what you’ll do!


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles |

Monday’s Marinade – Don’t Doubt

Doubt plagues all of us in various forms and always at inopportune times.

Do you find that you sometimes doubt God’s love for you, or is it His willingness that you question?

We all need help in this area and I’ve been writing a new book that I think you’ll find helpful.

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Live to Win:

“Doubt is always a product of deceit and a consequence of distance. Doubt arises due to our being deceived into thinking that God is not on our side in the midst of our trouble. It increases when we have distanced ourselves from the Word; it also minimizes the role and efficacy of our prayer. It infiltrates our circumstances and reduces our trust because we are distracted from God’s promises. Doubt is our automatic response when we don’t look to Jesus and keep our focus fixed on His love for us.”

Monday's Marinade-Don't Doubt

Stay informed about the book’s release by letting me know you’re interested:

Sticky Note Thought # 5 – Strong Love

Life requires strong love.

As we approach Valentine’s Day, “love” is on everyone’s mind. It’s easy to remember to show love to our spouse, the children in our lives, and our friends. Let’s also follow Jesus’ mandate to also show love to those who persecute you and spitefully use you (Matthew 5:44).

Now that’s #stronglove.


Strong love

Monday’s Marinade – Confident Love

Monday’s Marinade is provided to you as a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week. Confident love is something everyone desires and needs. Start your week by meditating  about how it pleases God when you have confidence in His love for youRepeatedly think about this and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope and a confident expectation of good things happening!

Here’s your spiritual marinade about confident love for this week:

Monday's marinade- confident love


Sticky Note Thought #4 – Anxiety

Anxiety is no joke.

When it rears its ugly head, its mission is to distract you from enjoying life. As those anxious moments strike, the best cure is the distraction of gratitude.

By concentrating on the good things in your life that you are thankful for, it eases the effect of anxiety and brings peace to your mind.

Be grateful, no matter what you’re going through. If nothing else, you can always thank God for being right there with you (Hebrews 13:5).



Monday’s Marinade- I Believe

Believe for something better in 2016.

Now that the new year is well under way, I hope that you’re expecting something better to happen in your life than what you experienced in 2015. What are you believing for?

Here are some of the typical things most people think about and desire at the beginning of the year:

      • Improved health
      • Peace of mind
      • A promotion or raise on the job
      • An upgrade in lifestyle (car, house, wardrobe, etc.)

But there are a variety of things that could be viewed as more influential on your quality of life than those desires listed above.

Are you open to allowing your thoughts to marinate on something more impactful? Print the following graphic so you can verbally affirm what you believe as you move forward throughout 2016. Be sure to read the Scripture verses  that are shown so you can build your confidence in what you affirm!

Monday's Marinade- I BELIEVE

 What else will you believe in 2016?  Share your thoughts below. 🙂


How God and the Power of Good Grammar Can Give You Good Success

There’s a powerful connection between grammar, God, and your success. In elementary school, or in junior high school, you probably learned about the grammatical impact of using the word “but” in a sentence. It is a conjunction, joining two phrases. It is a powerful word because  “but” essentially negates the idea in the first phrase and implies that something else should be considered. Here’s a quick list of what “but” can do:

  • suggests there’s a chance for a different outcome
  • implies there’s something which should not be forgotten
  • serves to redirect your attention
  • implies doubt in the preceding phrase and a more confident expectation in the phrase that follows
  • marks an opposition to the preceding phrase

As I was writing my book, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility, one of the things that Holy Spirit whispered to me to include was how to use the “Holy But.” I laughed when I heard that– the Holy But. However, I began to understand how using it could bring godly results to our ungodly circumstances. You’re probably wondering what makes the “but” holy. The use of God’s Word following the “but” is what makes it serve a holy purpose in your life. When you find yourself saying some negative things about yourself that you know you should not have released from your mouth, use the Holy But by stating a promise or truth from God’s Word that addresses the circumstance that you previously stated negatively.

God’s Truth is stronger than your facts.  Tweet this!

God’s Truth is stronger than your facts. It is powerful and never changes. God’s Truth never fails. When you believe it and speak it, it can actually change your facts of life. What’s God’s Truth? It’s His words of love and grace toward you (John 17:17). God’s Word doesn’t change– it is powerful and eternal. Use it to pressure your circumstances to line up with what God has said. For example, you may have said in a moment of exasperation, “I feel like I’ll never be pregnant!” Quickly follow that up by saying, “BUT, God said that none shall be barren and that includes me” (Exodus 23:26). Maybe you’re experiencing some financial challenges and you might slip and say, “I’m always broke.” When you catch yourself, say something like, “BUT, Jesus is with me and He prospers me (1 Chronicles 22:11). The key is to negate your negative statement by stating what God has said about the matter using the word “but”. Good grammar really can bring godly results and good success, when you combine it with what God has said about your circumstances. Proverbs 18:21 points out that the words we speak carry the power of life and of death. Do a self-check on your conversations and start using the Holy But when you’ve spoken negatively. Use the Holy But in your everyday conversations to:

  • Express belief about the outcome God has planned for you
  • Remind yourself of God’s viewpoint of the matter
  • Redirect your attention to Jesus’ love for you
  • Erase doubt and affirm your confidence in God’s words
  • Declare your opposition to the negative thing you’ve previously said

It is applicable in any circumstance. It is a simple exercise that will redirect your focus and strengthen your faith. In the midst of negative circumstances, what do you do to redirect your focus to Jesus’ words, love, and viewpoint? good grammar - words of life

Happy New Year 2016!

Happy new year 2016

“You crown the new year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard

pathways overflow with abundance.”~ Psalm 65:11 NLT

Declare that 2016 is full of God’s abundance

in every area of your life throughout the year!



Tag-Team With God and Experience Victory


This is what the LORD says: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast number,  for the battle is not yours, but God’s. You do not have to fight this battle. Position yourselves, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD.  He is with you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid or discouraged.  Tomorrow, go out to face them, for the Lord is with you.’ 

2 Chronicles 20:15, 17 HCSB

God is an encourager. Throughout the Bible, His words encourage us to experience victory, to not fear, to move forward by trusting Him, to confidently expect good things, and perhaps most importantly, to know that He loves us. When we are confident that He loves us, we can experience increased confidence that we can live victoriously, no matter the circumstance. But sometimes, maybe even most times, we find ourselves fighting for victory using only our own strength, using only our personal capabilities.

Are you trying to live victoriously in your own strength? How’s that working for you?

Are you overcoming the fear of never having a child (or any other fear) or are you giving in to it? Allow any fear that you may be feeling right now to be the prompt that turns you to God. Do not give in to the fear. Doing so will drive you away from Him– the One who has the power to change your circumstances from trouble to triumph. Decide to not engage in battle in your own strength. God stands at the ready, will and able to fight on your behalf. His desire is for you to only be a spectator of your enemy’s defeat. His willingness to fight and His ability to win allows you to expect deliverance and a sure victory.

God will fight for you. He will do all the combat work. You only need to ask Him to partner with you and then stand still, watching Him do the work. Think of it as a tag-team wrestling match. Here are some of the details of how tag-team wrestling is done:

The basic tag team match has two teams of two wrestlers facing off against each other. However, only one wrestler from each team, called the “legal man” is allowed in the ring at a time. The other member of the team wait outside the ropes in the team’s specified corner until the active “legal man” becomes weakened and tired.  All the while, his partner watches helplessly, struggling to reach him for a tag. The tension builds as the legal man is unable to tag out until something happens that allows the partners to tag and reverse the momentum of the match in their favor. Then he can tag (much like a high-five) his partner to come in to fight for him. [Source: Wikipedia]

I see this from a spiritual viewpoint as you being the “legal man” in a fight, struggling to pin your opponent down and stop his attack. God is your team member, always in your corner,  watching you trying to win on your own, wishing you would allow Him to be the “legal man.” When you choose to put your hand up– taking a hands-off approach to your fight– and tag God to make Him your “legal man” in the fight, you get to climb out of the ring, wait and rest in your corner, and watch God do all the work in defeating the enemy.

Which will you choose to do? Keep fighting in your own strength or tag God to fight your battle so you can experience victory?

Photo courtesy of Nongpimmy|Free Digital Photos

Monday’s Marinade-Planning

Are you planning for success in 2016? The book of Proverbs gives us many tips for how to make that happen. Remember to invite God to show you how to shape those plans so that they will be in line with His good plan for you (Jeremiah 29:11).

Monday’s Marinade is provided to you as a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week. Start your week by meditating on this Word. Repeatedly think about and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope and a confident expectation of good things happening!

As you do your planning, here’s your spiritual marinade for this week:

Monday Marinade - prov. 163.jpg