Author: Evangeline

Monday’s Marinade – Got Health? Need Help?

No matter what health issue you may be facing, God’s Word contains your solution. His promises of healing and deliverance can turn your situation around. Build your faith in the power of His Word. Let your words agree with His. Find healing scriptures and then speak them regularly, as a daily affirmation. Here a few affirmations crafted from Scripture to get you started:

“Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed.” ~ Jeremiah 17:14

“The Lord will take away from me all sickness.” ~ Deuteronomy 7:14

“He has redeemed me from the hand of the enemy. He sent His  Word and healed me and delivered me from my destructions.” ~ Psalm 107:2, 20

“Jesus took my infirmities and bore my sicknesses.” ~ Matthew 8:17

“This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your Word has revived me and given me life.” ~ Psalm 119:50

What other healing scriptures resonate within you? Please share one below!

Monday’s Marinade is a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week. Start your week by meditating on scriptures that affirm good health. Repeatedly think about and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope and a confident expectation of good things happening!

As you ask for and affirm good health, here’s your spiritual marinade for this week:

health and healing

wait with confidence - let go and let God

Sticky Note Thought #8 – Wait with Confidence

Wait= to remain inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens

There are so many things in our daily lives that cause us to wait. We get impatient, causing us to have a bad attitude toward the person that’s causing the delay. Sometimes we end up disappointed because the outcome isn’t what we desired or expected. When we’re waiting on God, we get tempted to give up on Him. Waiting with confidence can almost seem like an impossibility. Fear and doubt get in the way and we’re left wondering, “Is God ever going to come through”?  We wait with a bad attitude toward Him.

While reading Romans 8 today, this verse stood out to me. It gave me an attitude adjustment. It really encouraged me to think about how much (or how little) I patiently and confidently wait on God and I thought you might find it helpful as well.

No matter what you’re going through, no matter what you’re waiting on, remain hopeful. Wait with a patient attitude and a readiness to receive. Wait, knowing that your Father is your source of all good and perfect gifts and that He does not withhold them from His children. And as you maintain your hope by standing on God’s Word, you’ll be able to have a heart and mind that wait patiently and confidently.


facebook infertility group

You’re Not Alone– Join Our Facebook Group

Are you feeling alone as you struggle with infertility? Join our Facebook group!

I am excited to invite you to join A Seed of Hope fertility support group, a “Closed” Facebook group created to serve women looking to overcome infertility. Fertility solutions can be found in God’s Word and this group will serve to encourage you  and help you find hope in God’s Word and His promises of fertility.

Living with infertility can leave you feeling isolated, with no one to talk to who really understands the reality of it. By being a part of this group, you won’t have to walk this journey alone.

  • Connect with like-minded women who understand the unique challenge of infertility.
  • Anchor yourself in the hope found in God’s Word so you can diminish doubt and not give up.
  • Share stories and be inspired to take positive action during this season of infertility.

This group is unique in that we will address the spiritual aspect of infertility and will look to God’s Word for encouragement, direction, and hope. I will moderate the group, occasionally posing questions to foster more confidence in God’s promises of fertility.

Come join us on Facebook. Simply request to become a member. Become an active part of this uplifting community!

IMPORTANT: If you have any difficulty with initiating a request to join the group, email me at to let me know of your desire to join. Then I can send you the Facebook invitation.

Image courtesy of Apolonia |


Resurrection of Your Confidence in His Promises

After Jesus willingly gave His life on the cross for everyone in the world (even the unborn), He did not just leave an empty tomb as proof that He had risen. He chose to once again demonstrate His love for us by presenting “Himself to them [believers] and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God” (Acts 1:3 NIV). Jesus did not want to leave His followers wondering what happened once they saw that His tomb was empty. He wanted to convince them that He indeed had risen. His resurrection served as proof of His finished work on the cross for the justification [freedom from guilt and the penalty of sin] of all who choose to believe in Him!

Two thousand years later, we can live in that freedom because we believe in Jesus’ resurrection.

I think Jesus stayed on earth so long after His death because He wanted to make sure that those who believed in Him had not lost hope. Some may have lost hope because Jesus did not become the reigning King of Israel as they had envisioned Him. Others may have believed the Pharisees’ account of grave robbers having come to steal the body and lost hope that Jesus was really their Messiah. Isn’t that how we find ourselves sometimes–expecting Him to do something in a certain way and then losing hope when He doesn’t do it our way?

But because of His love for those believers (and us), Jesus wanted to assure them that He indeed had risen, so He patiently took time to show Himself to over 500 people (1 Corinthians 15:6). In doing so, He made sure the message of His resurrection would span the globe and stand the test of time so that generations to come could choose to believe and have hope in Him.

If you’ve lost hope for something in your life, maybe for having a baby, or advancing on your job, or overcoming a debilitating illness, RESURRECT your hope! Bring your hope back to life by finding a promise of God in the Bible that relates to your situation. Believe that promise is true for you. If you find it hard to believe, ask God to help you believe it (Mark 9:24). Then speak that promise and expect it to manifest in your life. Be persistent in speaking that promise…your enemy, the devil, will do all he can to distract you from believing and speaking it with confidence. Despite that, continue to thank God that His promise for you is sure and worthy of your trust. Rest assured, your hope will be renewed and your confidence increased as you take a stand on the promises of God.

Live to Win - cover thumbnail

Discover more about taking a confident stand on the promises of God in my upcoming book, Live to Win! 

Coming soon through major booksellers.








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Monday’s Marinade – What You Expect From God

Monday’s Marinade is a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week so that you can expect to experience God’s best.

Start your week by meditating about what it is that you expect from God

Repeatedly think about this verse and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope.Have a confident expectation of good things happening in your life!

COMING SOON: Evangeline’s latest book—Live to WinYou’ll find out more about the importance of expectancy, how to incorporate it into your life, and how it affects your breakthrough to victory.

Here’s your spiritual marinade:Monday's Marinade- EXPECT - Ps 42-11


Praying with your spouse - love in action

Love in Action vs. My To Do List


They say love is a verb and that we should see love in action.

The more I learn of the love of Jesus– specifically, His love for me– its depth, height, width and length astound me. I see more clearly now that His love for me covers everything; it is complete and perfect. There are no holes in His love for me, no void spaces. So if nothing is missing in His love for me, why am I not always confident in the victory His love has already provided?

Love in Action

Jesus’ love is always a love in action. His love is always working to give us victory in our circumstances. Maybe I need to look more at what He’s done instead of what I’ve done or what I need to do (I can sometimes have a l-o-n-g “to do” list to change my circumstances). My to-do list, when it’s not focused on God’s ability and willingness to act, is the  kind of self-help that is not always good. Maybe I need to allow Him to be in control so that I can rest. Everything that Jesus has done is based on His love for me. Every  bit of punishment inflicted on Him before and at the cross was because He did not want me to experience it. He endured every bit of scourging for me. He took every sickness and “condition” onto His body for me so that I wouldn’t have to “live with it” (Isaiah 53:3-5). He satisfied every requirement of the Law so I wouldn’t be required to do so. He left nothing undone and did everything perfectly. What a love!

No matter the circumstances that I find myself enduring, I’m determined to choose to look to Jesus’ love for me– to have confidence in it, to trust it. I’m determined to rest in the knowledge that His love for me has done everything to give me victory in any circumstance. Because of His unmatched, unending, and unfailing love, I win!

How do you remind yourself of His love for YOU?

Sticky Note Thoughts #7 – Stupid Sins

I admit it– sometimes I commit stupid sins.

Sometimes, it’s easy to think that I can do what I feel God should be doing–especially when He isn’t doing something in my timing or the way I want it done. The Message Bible calls that a stupid sin.  I am smart enough to know that I can’t do anything as well as God can, nor can I do anything without Him (like breathe). But sometimes a challenge may get the best of me and I forget Who really can fix my life (FYI, it’s NOT Iyanla!).

I resolve to no longer commit stupid sins! [Please pray for me! 🙂 ]

I resolve to look to Jesus, the One who can keep me from stupid sins… if I let Him.


stupid sins


Image template courtesy of Boykung |

Affirmations You Should Be Saying

affirmations of trust

Affirmations are a powerful way to express trust.

Sometimes it’s hard to trust and be in agreement with the plans of someone else regarding the impact of their plans for YOUR life. If someone asked you whether you agree with whatever God has said and planned about your situation, what would be your response? Would you express sincere confidence in His plans for you? Your victory depends on trusting His Word and being in agreement with what He has said.

King David of the Bible can be our example of how to be in agreement with God. David, a man who so openly loved and trusted God, knew the power of speaking the Word of God. He said in Psalm 17:4,

“…By the word of Your lips, I have kept away from the paths of the destroyer.”

Similarly, affirmations that you speak should be crafted using Scripture.

Affirm the Word of God by speaking it into your life. Doing so will help keep you off of Satan’s paths that are lined with his burdens and devices of deception.  Most importantly, speaking the Word helps you to keep your eyes and mind on Jesus’ love for you. This enables you to agree with His plans and receive the victory over infertility or any other challenge you face.

Stay encouraged!


Image courtesy of Stuart Miles |

Monday’s Marinade – Ask for Wisdom

No matter what you’ll face this week, wisdom can help you make the best of it. The Bible tells us that wisdom is the principle thing– the thing we should seek first and foremost. Since it should be the thing we seek first, it must be important for our success!

Monday’s Marinade is provided to you as a means of “soaking yourself” in the hope-filled Word of God at the beginning of your week. Start your week by meditating on this Word about asking for wisdom. Repeatedly think about and quietly say it to yourself.  Marinate and season your week with hope and a confident expectation of good things happening!

As you ask for wisdom, here’s your spiritual marinade for this week:

Monday's Marinade Wisdom

Sticky Note Thought #6- How to Trust God More

Sometimes it’s hard to trust God.

Doubts stealthily move in and cloud our focus on His promises. Despair weaves its way into our thoughts. Our level of expectancy of receiving our desires from Him is almost nil.

When you find yourself in that position, what do you do?

Whenever I’ve been in that predicament,  this has been one of the best requests I’ve (repeatedly) ever made of God:

“Help me trust You.”

Who better than God Himself could give guidance about how to trust God more? He wants you to move to a higher level of trust in Him so that you can bask in the manifestation of His promises. He wants  His Word to speak to you and ease your weariness by showing you how to trust him more. He’ll never say no to you wanting more of Him–He loves you too much!

how to trust




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