I am a speaker, author, and Hope Coach. Seeing people’s lives transformed is a thrill for me! It’s wonderful when I get to share with my audiences how to use the power of their words and the Word of God to change their circumstances. It helps them to live life victoriously.
My most recent book is Borrowed Hope: Sarah’s Story of Triumph Over Infertility. I had the pleasure of having a co-author for this book. Angela Kent Williams helped me bring Sarah’s story to life.
Live to Win!, is my book that is a blueprint to victory and success. It gives you five essential and practical strategies that will be easy to incorporate into your daily life so that you can live like a champion.
My devotional about overcoming infertility is, A Seed of Hope: God’s Promises of Fertility. It is written from the perspective of my personal victory over infertility. I am also a featured author for Group Publishing’s devotional, If I Can Do All Things, Why Can’t I Find My Car Keys?
As a speaker, I have been recognized as a purveyor of hope, bringing practical application of God’s Word for daily living. My mission is to point people to Jesus by teaching the principle of “Spoken Faith”—believing, speaking, and expecting the manifestation of God’s promises.
A little bit about my personal life:
After finishing college, working as an engineer, and getting married, I wanted to experience the joy of giving birth and parenting children.
When my husband and I were first told that we may never have children, waves of disbelief, fear, and sadness came quickly to my mind. We sat in the doctor’s office in shock, having never anticipated his report. I was 27 years old and had never had a gynecologist give me any indication this prognosis was a possibility.
But God was faithful. He began to take me through a process that would later produce a wonderfully different outcome. The process was one of learning how to trust Him more. I also learned how to use God’s Word as a tool, and to rest in His love until I saw my victory. Contrary to the doctor’s prediction, I became pregnant and we now have three beautiful children who love God and are blessings to us and to their community. God had the final say!
I’m proud to introduce you to our family:

It’s my desire to help you live with a hope-filled focus everyday.
Using this blog, I want to share notes of hope with you. So, if you’re in the struggle of overcoming childlessness, or any other seemingly hopeless situation, this site is for you. Through faith in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and believing and speaking the Word of God, victory is possible. I want to make it clear to you that there is always reason to hope because nothing is too hard for the Lord! [Genesis 18:14]
Keep a hope-filled focus!
~ Evangeline
Connect with me online:
Twitter: @evcolbert
Facebook: www.facebook.com/hopefilledfocus
Buy my hope-filled books: www.BooksByEvangeline.com
Join my Facebook Group— A Seed of Hope Fertility Support Group —to receive even more encouragement.
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Thanks for stopping by Armoured Up. We share the same testimony!! God is good:)
Thanks Arlene for sharing your testimony with others. Yes, God is SO good!
This is so good! I have been blogging for a few months now, as well as finalizing my book. I will have to check back from time to time to get a dose of your wisdom. Thanks! Cynthia
Hi Evangeline,
Ovatemp helps women learn more about their bodies by allowing them to identify their fertile period to increase their chances of getting pregnant by simply charting signs such as basal body temperature and cervical fluid.
Based on your interest in fertility we would be honored if you could try our app and give us feedback on your experience.
Taylor Vavra
Taylor, thanks for making me aware of the app. I was just reading an article today about fertility apps and how varied they are. I no longer have a need for your but will definitely check it out for its usefulness to my readers. All the best to you as you step out in helping others.
Hi Evangeline! I just wanted to let you know that I stumbled upon your devotional several months ago and I LOVE it! I buy them in bulk and pass e them out to all the bloggers who I feel would benefit so much from it. I want to thank you for obeying the Holy Spirit in writing it so that others could benefit from your testimony. I was diagnosed with PCOS several years ago and in May 2012, after my IVF procedure that resulted in a miscarriage (which I was not at peace doing but had the “I want it now attitude”) God spoke to me on my way home from church saying that I would have a son and to name him Josiah. I had no idea where that name came from so I googled the meaning when I arrived home. Josiah means “Jehovah healed” and “God supported”. From that moment on I abandoned ALL fertility treatments and am just standing on God’s promises. I know that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. I know that His word does not return void. I know that He will not change His mind.
You can read my full story here….
Once again, thank you so much for sharing your testimony. Blessings!
Elisha, I’m humbled by your finding so much encouragement in my book, A Seed of Hope, that you’re giving copies to others! Thanks so much for letting me know. Your trust and your “don’t give up on God” attitude will bring great reward—“Children are a gift from the LORD;
they are a reward from him.” Psalm 127:3 NLT.
May I suggest that you chose a scripture for Josiah now, something that you believe will shape his life as God intends for it to be? It’s a beautiful and effective act of faith.
Please keep me posted on your progress…can’t wait to see pictures of Josiah! 🙂
That is a great idea! I will let you know as soon as God directs me to one. My husband and I will be praying together about which one. Thank you!
I have been praying for seven years for another child. I am 40 and I am trying not to give up. It is hard not to wonder if I’m too old to have a healthy baby. I just don’t understand why my prayer has not been answered.
Yvonne, I know this has been a painful season for you to endure. Be determined in your mind and heart to not wonder about negative outcomes. Rather, focus on the One who has your solution (Jeremiah 29:11). May I encourage you to remain persistent in your hope? The account of Leah (Genesis 30) show us that she too went through a period of secondary infertility. BUT God showed Himself strong on her behalf and gave her more sons and daughters. Praying that you’ll stay focused on Jesus’ love for you and all that His love brings as you come out of this barren season.
Thank you so much for the encouragement. I will read about Leah, I know my hope will return. The Lord is faithful.
I am so touched about all of the postings. I, too, went through infertility about 30 years ago. I had 13 months on Clomid and 11 Intrauterine inseminations and several surgeries. I walked away with empty arms, but trusted in God and his wisdom. Several years later I did conceive, but lost that child with a miscarriage. I still trusted in God and his wisdom. Then at the age of 45 I went back to school and got my Master’s in Holistic Nutrition and specialized in nutrition for fertility and healthy babies. Now I work with couples who are struggling to conceive and have such a passion for helping couples get healthy in order to conceive. Food really does FEED YOUR SEED. And I am blessed to have helped many couples have babies! I had to trust God to lead me down another path – a path of helping others to conceive. I never would be doing this work if I had children. You see I am blessed.
Donna, thank you for sharing your story. On behalf of so many, thank you for doing the work of helping couples conceive. You are truly blessed to BE a blessing!
Hello again! Have you “aired” our interview yet? Was just thinking about it today. Stay well my friend!
Well Iam 33 years old been trying for 6 years to fall pregnant but no positive report, doctors remove one ovary already and told me I cant have children and that was almost a 2 months ago, I dont know how to handle my frustrations.
Bernice, instead of focusing on the doctor’s report, I encourage you to focus on the Word of God– it has every answer we need for every issue in life. This may sound like a “too simple” answer, but it is THE answer, even to infertility. My infertility Bible reading plan at YouVersion.com may help you get started in finding some scriptures to boost your hope. The link is https://www.bible.com/search/plans?q=infertility.
Please stay in touch—let me know how I can help.
I agree with Evangeline . . . don’t focus on the negative. You still have one ovary and that is all it takes! I have no idea why they took out your ovary, but have you looked at your diet and Lifestyle? These are important factors to look at when you look at the powerful Triad: body, mind and spirit. God wants you to look at all three and address properly. Are you eating the foods that can “Feed Your Seed”? What is your Lifestyle/stress level? God gives us lots of power in so many ways.
Donna, please share your website so that we’ll know how to get more info about “feeding the seed.”
My website is: http://www.theGoddessofFertility.com. You can go the ABOUT DONNA page and click on Apply for a FREE Pregnancy Potential Strategy Session. This call is where I can talk with you 1:1 and find out more about your fertility journey. I am happy to talk with you to see how I may serve you. Blessings . . . Donna McIntosh
My husband and I have been trying for 2 years. It has been very hard on us and our marriage. We are trying to stand firm in faith and trust God. However, somedays are not easy. My desire is to be a mother, and I beleive that he put that in my heart. We’ve been thanking Jesus for 2 years everyday for our child. Really could use some encouragement!!
Rosie: have you looked at your diet and lifestyle? These are very important. There are three keys: body, mind, spirit. With God you have the Spiritual aspect covered fully. He also wants you to look at your body and mind. Foods that nourish all three are available. Are you eating them?
I am not sure if I am. No one has ever talked to me about foods I should be eating. Advice?
You can go to my website: http://www.theGoddessofFertility. There on the ABOUT DONNA page you can sign up for a FREE Pregnancy Potential Strategy Session. This session allows us to share information so that I can learn more about your personal fertility journey. I need to know more information in order to help you, Rosie. Talk with you soon!!
Thanks Donna for helping Rosie take a look at the role of food regarding infertility. She’s asking for some advice from you about how to proceed with that. Thanks for taking the time to respond! 🙂
Rosie, stand in your faith in God’s love for you and the trustworthiness of His Word. Take some time to praise Him today and enjoy His presence. That’s always a good way to encourage yourself!
Also, Psalm 31:24 instructs us to “be of good courage, and He will strengthen your heart, all you who hope in the Lord.” Day 53 in my book, “A Seed of Hope,” expounds upon that point of encouraging self and REFUSING hopelessness.
God loves you just like He loves Jesus (John 17:23). I hope you’ll believe that and be strengthened by it!
Rosie, here’s another blog post by a friend who’s struggling with infertility as well. I hope it encourages you. http://in-due-time.com/faith/memory-monday-week-51/
Hi Evangeline I came across your blog a couple of weeks ago when I was at a low period in my life,you see my husband and I have literally been trying and hoping for a baby for about 7 years now,it has been one of the most emotional struggles of my life,I have watches countless friends and family members welcome new babies into to this world which while I’m happy for them only magnifies my pain.I’m almost 37 years old and just finished my first ivf cycle which took us almost 5 years to even complete because every time we would start the process life would get in the way,financial,layoffs, etc I in my mind really believed that this was our turn you see the odds are truly against us my husband suffers with azospermia so the chances of us biologically having a baby were very low but by the grace of God we got wonderful news and we had the chance to be able to have our own child but after the ivf cycle we had a chemical pregnancy and my mind started the what its are we not supposed to have a baby and the ?s at what point do we give up we still have a frozen embryo waiting and we gave ourselves another 6 months to try with ivf,throughout this whole process even tho we were told it was virtually impossible for us to have a baby on our own my mind still goes every month could I b pregnant u see I am a Christian women who be lives in my God of miracles but sum times I wonder why me,but God constantly sends me the message of Abraham and Sarah so I refuse to give up,but sum times I wonder how many more years can I go on like this at sum point u have to accept that maybe God has a different plan for me.Anyways than for listening I plan on getting your book soon and I just wanted to say that reading your blog gives me continued hope
Maria, thanks for sharing your journey with us. I’m so glad that this blog is a source of hope to you. It’s good that you recognize that God continues to send little winks to you to let you know that you should not give up. God’s plan for you is a good one. Please keep your confidence in His promises (Hebrews 10:35,36) and let us know how your miracle comes about! 🙂
Hello Evangeline tan you or this inspirational website we have been TTC for 11 years been through iuis ivfs I’m on clomid now Jesus is in my life and we will be starting bible classes again soon I still am lot on why it hasn’t happened we are married but if it still doesn’t I will never turn away from JESUS CHRIST. he is the plan amen all please send me baby dust as I will to you.:-)
Julie, the wonderful thing about Jesus is that you don’t need “baby dust!” His loving power is more than enough to make His promises of fertility your reality. Praying for you…
I just wanted to say thank you for your words of hope and encouragement for all struggling with infertility! I came across your website several months back and it was very uplifting. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for several years, when in April we finally got pregnant through IVF. However, at a follow up ultrasound at just over 7 weeks, the baby no longer had a heartbeat and a mass was found on my kidney. My kidney was removed and I was diagnosed with a rare, slow growing, often undiagosed or misdiagnosed cancer. God gave me a miracle: my baby may very well have saved my life, I did not have to have radiation or chemo and have no evidence of disease on my recent scan. Then, God gave me a second miracle and I am pregnant again! God really does make beauty out of ashes! I’m trusting in him for a healthy pregnancy and baby and a long, beautiful with my husband and baby.
Congratulations Alysia! I’m glad that what I share here has been a source of encouragement to you. Thank you so much for sharing your story of hope. I know that it will encourage others. It’s wonderful that you’re now in good health, still trusting God, and expecting a good life with hubby and baby. Blessings as you go through your pregnancy! I’d love to see a picture once Baby is born. 🙂
I Evangeline my husband and I have been trying for 1 1/2 so conceive and its been a rough journey for us God has given us all kinds of signs ans wonders that it’s going to happen but I still am not confident in this but looking at all of the post has encouraged me to keep praying and seeing God through so thanks
Erica, I know this season of infertility is not an easy one to get through. It’s really helpful to get encouragement from those who have overcome it as well as from those who are in the midst of the struggle and still believing that God’s promises of fertility are true for them. If you’re on Facebook, please join our group, A Seed of Hope Fertility Group.
If you’re not, please continue to visit this site to get nuggets of encouragement so you can continue to have hope.
Praying for you!
I have been trying to conceive for 3 years now am 33 going 34 I feel really frustrated and my relationship is having a lot of tension my partner not happy he thinks is all my fault I need all the support in the world .
Louisa, I know it’s been a while since you left this comment. I apologize for not quickly responding to you. I hope that you’ve been searching for more sources of hope in God’s Word so that you can live experiencing the joy that God intends for you to have in life.
Hello Evangeline,
I met you at the Real-Estate Workshop very briefly. I commented on how lovely your name was, after asking if you were an evangelist. After following through and reading the introduction of your website, and learning how God has worked in your life and continues to bless you and all of us regardless of what others may say, it’s obvious that you carry and evangelical message. Thank you for your beautiful words and encouragement through your story and your presence.
Thanks Chris! I’m glad we met and I appreciate that you’re a man of your word and followed up by visiting my site. Thanks for letting me know that you’ve been encouraged here. 🙂 Wishing you much success as you look for new ways to live to win!